Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Film Pitch Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Film Pitch - Essay Example Australian Aborigines moved from some place in Asia in any event 30,000 years prior. In spite of the fact that they involve 500â€600 unmistakable gatherings, native individuals have some bringing together connections. Among these are solid profound convictions that attach them to the land, for example, an ancestral culture of narrating and craftsmanship and like different indigenous populaces, a troublesome provincial history. (infoplease.com ). Native individuals are the Indigenous individuals of Australia. â€Å"Aboriginal individuals, their customary societies and terrains lie on the territory and the greater part of the islands, including Tasmania, Fraser Island, Palm Island, Mornington Island, Groote Eylandt, Bathrust and Melville Islands.†(ikkeweer.net ) The story will be determined to the indigenous land with a clan that is at present working with the old conviction frameworks. The story will follow a family in this clan and the various capacities which they need to travel through to remain on the land. The story will show how the family endures, what the customs and ceremonies are and how the indigenous family has safeguarded the way of life through time. It will at that point change to demonstrating the advanced world and how the clans either fit into or are minimized out of standard society. The film will give bits of knowledge into the indigenous clans working in standard society, joined with meetings of the lion's share populace and what is thought about the Aborigines. The setting will start in Queensland with the emphasis on the Guugu Yimithirr. The emphasis on this clan shows the development into colonization since they were taken over in 1770 by James Cook and were relied upon to incorporate into society. The completion will show the condition of this gathering now and how the indigenous people groups have stayed in the outback and outside of society. Cast and Key Crew: Since this is a narrative, the cast and key group will be resolve d while shooting. A mysterious family will be picked for the shooting, explicitly to show the features of their lives and what happens as far as culture, custom and every day living. A mysterious gathering of individuals in Queensland will likewise be found to show the beliefs of the indigenous. A storyteller will be utilized for the authentic subtleties of the indigenous before James Cook and to show the reasonable perfect of what befell this particular clan in 1770. Reason for Making: The way of life of Australia is one which is rich and differing in numerous who have relocated to Australia, just as other people who have been on the land for quite a long time. This has prompted minimized gatherings that are frequently ignored with the mixture of Australia. Little consideration is given not exclusively to the minority gatherings and the manner by which they work inside society. There is likewise practically zero assessment of the historical backdrop of Australia and the roots where it has originated from. This specific narrative will show the progressions which have happened in the public arena and will permit each Australian to reconsider their legacy, culture and nationalistic character. Progressively significant, there will be a recognized comprehension of what occurred in colonialization and to the here and now to change the indigenous clans of the land from a greater part populace and into one that is known to remain in the outback and live as a minority and underestimated gathering (May, 1994). In addition to the fact that this is specific viewpoint imperative to analyze for Australians, however it will likewise take advantage of a voice that is currently ascending in Australia. This will assist with supporting what many are thinking inside society, explicitly which is
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Critical Essay A Tale Of Two Cities Example For Students
Basic Essay A Tale Of Two Cities Jarvis Lorry, a worker of Tellsons Bank, was sent to discover Dr. Manette, a shamefully detained doctor, in Paris and take him back to England. Lucie, Manettes girl who felt that he was dead, went with Mr. Lorry. After showing up at Defarges wine shop in Paris, they discovered Mr. Manette in an appalling state and returned him to London with them. Mr. Manette couldn't rember why he had been detained, or when he was detained. He was in a territory of Post Tramatic Stress Dis-request. All the long periods of imporisonment prompted his madness, his life was in risk pretty much each second of his detained life. In 1780, after five years, Lucie, Mr. Lorry and Dr. Manette were called to affirm against Charles Darnay, a mentor who made steady excursions among France and England and was hence blamed for conspiracy. During these occasions the two governments were suspicious about anyone who had the aperence of commiting treachery. Darney, since he travled to and fro between nations was an ideal suspect for treachery. The French Government had recently been ousted by the hobos, and working class and now run by them, the British then again was as yet a government and had terrible production lines and many ghettos, similar to France did. Darnay was absolved when a legal counselor, Carton, looked a lot of like him and an onlooker wavered to decidedly recognize them. Container cherished Lucie however he was a flushed. Realizing that their relationship was sad, he expressed that he would forfeit himself for her or anybody she cherished in a passionate discussion. Darnay wound up wedding Lucie. Darnays uncle, the Marquiuis St. Evremonde, was killed by the dad of a kid he ran over and Darnay acquired his Chateau. Darnay would not take it since he would not like to misuse the French individuals as his uncle did. In 1792, while the French Revolution was going all out, Darnay chose to go to France to spare a family worker, Gabelle. Upon his appearance, he was promptly imprisoned. Lucie and Dr. Manette before long appeared in Paris at the doorstep of Tellsons French office, where Lorry previously was available. Dr. Manette figured out how to get Darnay discharged following a year, yet he was re-imprisoned that day by Madame Defarge in light of the fact that his family, the Evremondes, had recently killed off her family. Darnay was attempted the following day and condemned to death. Manette returned into his maniacal state with sadness. Container showed up in Paris and heard a plot by Defarge to likewise murder Lucie and Dr. Manette. Rapidly, he advanced into the jail with the assistance of spies and, with his nearby likeness, exchanged spots with Darnay. Container had orchestrated the getaway of Lucie, Darnay, and Dr. Manette. Madame Defarge had been slaughtered by Miss Pross, a kind of generalization caretaker to Lucie, and got away with Lucie. Container yielded his life for Lucie, her dad, and Darnay at the guillotine and hence kicked the bucket in triumph. Dickensâ attempted to show his perusers the force and risks of an upset. He had a reasonable hidden subject that mistreatment and abuse by a gentry will cause a revolt by those being misused, a reality that made the French Revolution unavoidable. All through this book, it was obvious that Dickens drew an association among mistreatment and turmoil. However the intensity of affection and penance were, at long last, connected with a restoration of society. Dickens reason recorded as a hard copy this work was plainly and altogether did. The cruel treatment of the privileged towards the poor was continually appeared. In one case, the Marquis St. Evremonde ran over a worker kid and simply through a couple of coins at the dad to make up for this misfortune. The disorder of the unrest was appeared by the various hordes that wandered the boulevards of Paris. Numerous nobles had left France and there was no incredible government. Consequently an immediate association was drawn between the abuse by the gentry and the flare-up of transformation transforming rapidly into insurgency. Dickens was one-sided with a compassion toward the exploited, particularly for kids. .u5a61503c98dec7dc1aefcc77796f3804 , .u5a61503c98dec7dc1aefcc77796f3804 .postImageUrl , .u5a61503c98dec7dc1aefcc77796f3804 .focused content territory { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .u5a61503c98dec7dc1aefcc77796f3804 , .u5a61503c98dec7dc1aefcc77796f3804:hover , .u5a61503c98dec7dc1aefcc77796f3804:visited , .u5a61503c98dec7dc1aefcc77796f3804:active { border:0!important; } .u5a61503c98dec7dc1aefcc77796f3804 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u5a61503c98dec7dc1aefcc77796f3804 { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; murkiness: 1; progress: darkness 250ms; webkit-progress: haziness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u5a61503c98dec7dc1aefcc77796f3804:active , .u5a61503c98dec7dc1aefcc77796f3804:hover { mistiness: 1; change: obscurity 250ms; webkit-change: darkness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u5a61503c98dec7dc1aefcc77796f3804 .focused content region { width: 100%; position: rela tive; } .u5a61503c98dec7dc1aefcc77796f3804 .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content improvement: underline; } .u5a61503c98dec7dc1aefcc77796f3804 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u5a61503c98dec7dc1aefcc77796f3804 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; outskirt sweep: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: intense; line-stature: 26px; moz-outskirt span: 3px; content adjust: focus; content embellishment: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/modules/intelly-related-posts/resources/pictures/straightforward arrow.png)no-rehash; position: supreme; right: 0; top: 0; } .u5a61503c98dec7dc1aefcc77796f3804:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!importan t; } .u5a61503c98dec7dc1aefcc77796f3804 .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u5a61503c98dec7dc1aefcc77796f3804-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u5a61503c98dec7dc1aefcc77796f3804:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: The Kite Runner - EssayThe thought that the defrauded, when blackmailed for a considerable length of time, would revolt was a focal thought behind this novel. The vile detainment of Dr. Manette destroyed him. He would never genuinely escape from his jail understanding and in snapshots of incredible pressure returned to the craziness which Mr. Lorry and Lucie had found upon him at Defarges. Darnay had been attempted frequently and approached conviction various occasions all because of the past activities of his family. He was a minor casualty of the past. Dickens plainly demonstrated solid help for Darnay and Dr. Manette not just in the result, where they effectively got away from France, yet in addition all through the story. At the point when the worker kid was run over by Marquis St. Evremonde, Dickens demonstrated a lot of hatred for Evremonde, when he simply offered a couple of coins as his regret, and made a feeling this was a horrible demonstration. I have taken in a lot about existence during the early French Revolution and saw the rebellion with much inward profundity while perusing this novel. Individuals from the upper nobility were, when all is said in done, increasingly arrogant that I had recently believed them to be. Men like Monseigneur, an individual from the decision theocracy, just lounged around the greater part of the day discovering approaches to engage themselves and caring close to nothing, if by any stretch of the imagination, for the government assistance of France, regardless for anybody other than themselves. The various hordes were progressively unstable then I had anticipated. They meandered, wrecking aimlessly, and went on to another errand with little influence. Numerous hordes rooted for in bliss Darnay when he was vindicated at his first preliminary in France yet were similarly as energized when he was sentenced to death the subsequent time. Society by and large during the French Revolution has become much more clear to me. I saw this novel as very elegantly composed. It was originallyâ a minimal hard to comprehend until I got engaged with the characters. By then I had no issue following the plot, which really turned out to be very quick. The French Revolution was splendidly shown in the entirety of its savagery and rebellion. The hidden thoughts of mistreatment and political agitation made it charming to perceive how the characters connected. I discovered Carton particularly charming. He realized that Lucie could never court him, when her union with Darnay, yet he committed his life to her and surrendered it at long last for her. Notwithstanding the entirety of the discouraging parts of the novel, Dickens subject of revival turned out to be substantially more noticeable towards the end and really was very rousing. As Carton gave his life for Darnay and Lucie, his last vision of a superior society left me with a confident disposition and appeared to be a remarkable method to close.
Friday, August 7, 2020
MATERIALS TECHNOLOGY Example MATERIALS TECHNOLOGY â€" Assignment Example > Since the first man used an airplane, air travel has been a complicated and risky as the equipments and operations involved are prone to failure with fatal outcomes. Human error and technical hitch has been attributed to a number of regrettable air accidents in the past. During travel the plane is subject to increased risks due to operating altitude of more than 20, 000 feet above ground. The risk is also magnified if the facilities available such as airports are not in good conditions (Flynn 1961). This paper analyses the report prepared by Australian Transport and Safety Bureau. Case Study: Qantas Flight 32Background and Literature Review of the caseAccording to Australian Transport Bureau, the particular Airbus aircraft, took off from Changi airport, Singapore and destined to Sydney Australia. On board there were 440 passengers, 24 and five cabin and flight crew. As a norm, immediately after taking off successfully from the airport, the flight crew retracted backs the flaps and landing gear. After stabilizing at 250knots and having attained an altitude of 7,000 ft above sea level, the crew overheard two coincident loud bangs and subsequently the engine No2 inboards indicated some characteristics of failure. The crew experienced a slight yaw and the plane levelled off immediately as per the selected attitude. The autopilot option was no longer active at that point as well as the flight directors. An error message showing “overheat†danger sign in the engine No. 2 turbine was displayed on the Electronic Centralized Aircraft Monitor (ECAM) (Australian Transport Safety Bureau 2010). After informing the Singapore Air Traffic Control back in Changi Airport, the flight crew was provided with radar vectors necessary to hold the plane in a defined pattern. After realizing that the damage on this particular engine was major, they discharged two bottles of fire extinguisher but not confirmation was received. They then opted to automatically transfer fuel from the outer wing tanks to the inner tanks. At this type engine No. 2 displayed a “failed modeâ€; while engines No. 1 and 4 had lapsed to a degraded mode and engine No. 3 was working in alternate mode, amongst other warning and error messages. The crew gallantly performed certain actions before descending safely back to Singapore. There were no injuries to the passengers and crew on board (Wikipedia 2012). However, there were some injuries sustained by two peoples on Batam Island, where the incidence occurred. Condition of Engine No. 2 upon landingDamage to the planeAs a result of failure of the No. 2 engine, a number of engine turbine components were liberated overboard at a high speed and landed on the aircraft body. The pieces of the intermediate pressure (IP) turbine struck the edge inboard of the left wing of the engine No. 2, leading to structural damage of the leading edge structure. A number of system components were also severed by the thrown-out turbine disc (Australian Transport Safety Bureau 2010). Aircraft Systems The freed debris struck and penetrated the lower structure of the left wing, leading into damage of number of operation systems such as hydraulic system, electrical wiring, flight controls and landing gear, landing edge slat coordination, and fuel leak on both inner tank and feed tank that serves the No. 2 engine as shown in fig. 2 below.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Essay on Comparing Societies Why Utopian Freedom is Best
It is difficult to define freedom, because it varies drastically when interpreted by different ethnicities and individuals. Like many concepts that describe the human condition, freedom maintains certain features regardless of how it is interpreted. The relationship between freedom, justice and societal goals is one of these features. Through this relationship we will explore both the nature and the quality of freedom in Thomas More’s Utopia. What relationship exists between freedom, justice and societal goals? To answer this question we, like Plato, should look to a model society. Our model society will have a goal: a characteristic that makes a model citizen and which the populace desires to achieve. Our model society will also have†¦show more content†¦1, Para 4.) This view can be backed up by even the most cursory glance at Plato’s Republic, where the citizens are educated and given their path in life by the wise philosopher kings. Greek freedom, then, is following the path the wise set before you. Nelson also goes on to explain that for the Greeks the â€Å"purpose of civic life is†¦ happiness†(Nelson Sec. 1 Para 4.) Nelson’s position inaccurately summarizes Plato’s view that: â€Å"[Each man] has a job to do, and if he does not do it, his life is not worthwhile†(Plato, p. 104) A man’s job is his role in society; only by fulfilling his role, can he find fulfillm ent in life. Thus the ideal citizen is the man or woman who fulfills his or her role in society, meaning the desired characteristic is not happiness but duty. A fulfilling life is a happy one, so the purpose of civic life seems to be happiness; however the over-arching goal of all societies is in fact happiness. To look at a specific society, one cannot look at the over-arching goal, as Nelson does, or else one will not be able to accurately evaluate and compare that society with others. Nelson goes on to describe justice â€Å"as a natural balance among elements†(Nelson, sec. 1 para. 4), with the wise guiding and ruling those who are unwise so they may act in accordance with reason. In Plato’s Republic this is once again easily discerned from a glance at the structure of society, with the philosopher kingsShow MoreRelatedThe Failure Of Communism And Communism965 Words  | 4 Pagestwenty-first century. Capitalism and Communism have both been put forth as the best models for modern enlightened societies. Each philosophy contains both desirable and undesirable elements within its framework. Communism is based on a firm belief that fiscal and social equality is the path to an ideal utopian society. Capitalism is based on the principle of individuality, and the exercise of individual rights, freedom, and the liberty to pursue advancement in a competitive free market. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Essay on The Three Branches of Government - 1079 Words
The United States government braces its power among three powerful branches, legislative, executive and judicial. These branches interact with one another to establish authority that is strong, yet equal to have power over the country. Each branch pursues certain responsibilities and duties to operate in an efficient and effective manner in which society upholds. The executive, legislative and judicial branches all interact amid each other to validate accuracy of the nation’s most powerful law of the land, the Constitution. It is important to know how these branches interact with each other to learn how a bill becomes a law. Reflecting on how the three branches promote a balance of power that is constructive to include the agendas and†¦show more content†¦However, with all of the duties the legislative branch renders it has to be checked by the executive and judicial branches before imperative decisions are completed. The interaction that the legislative branch has wi th the judicial branch is to interpret acts of Congress that are disputed in legal cases to also declare laws of Congress void if they are not in accordance with the Constitution (Patterson, 2011, p. 42). The interaction the legislative branch has with the executive branch is when the creation of new laws or the changes of existing laws are made the executive branch is to issue regulation executing the full force of law. This gives the legislative branch power and authority within its own branch, to also subsist checked by the other two branches. The power of the executive branch is vested by the President of the United States. This branch is the largest branch that operates with assistance from the Vice President, agencies and members to successfully lead the government. The executive branch mainly operates based on the responsibilities and duties of the President implementing and forcing laws written by Congress (Whitehouse.gov). However, the interactions that the executive branch has with the other branches productively endorse power. The interactions that the executive branch has with the legislative branch are carrying out and enforce the laws thatShow MoreRelatedThree Branches of Government1117 Words  | 5 PagesThree Branches of the Federal Government In May 1787, 55 delegates from 12 states, Rhode Island declined, met in Philadelphia for the Constitutional Convention. The purpose of the convention was to revise the Articles of Confederation, but what occurred was the writing of the U.S. Constitution. George Washington was unanimously elected as President of the Convention. After four months of deliberations Gouveneur Morris submitted the final draft and 39 of the 55 delegate present signed the ConstitutionRead MoreThe Three Branches Of Government1266 Words  | 6 PagesThe Three Branches of Government The government of the United States of America is a federal constitutional republic. 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Executive power gives the authority to enforce laws,Read MoreThe Three Branches of Government1260 Words  | 6 PagesThe Three Branches of U.S. Government The leaders at the Constitutional Convention in 1787 desired an unbiased, fair government. They believed they could keep a strong yet non-oppressive government form by creating three divided branches. The branches are the legislative, judicial and executive branches. The legislative branch is led by Congress which is split up into the Senate and the House of Representatives. The judicial branch is fronted by the Supreme Court. The executive branch is headedRead MoreThe Three Branches Of Government1139 Words  | 5 Pages When the founders were creating the Constitution for the new nation they wanted to keep the freedoms of the United States but wanted to have a strong government. They thought the best way to get a strong government but to keep the people’s rights were to create the three branches of government. The three branches of government are Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Branch. Legislative makes laws, Executive enforces the laws, and the Judicial branch e xplains the laws. Know we will key on the LegislativeRead MoreThree branches of government1113 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿ ABSTRACT The components of the constitution are the framework for our country, and all function to give our government structure. The judicial, legislative, and executive branches are all key components that make up our government, acting independently from the others, and allowing for checks and balances in order to prevent misuse of power. Federalism affects how our government is run, and especially the criminal justice system. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Host Chapter 23 Confessed Free Essays
The shadow was huge and misshapen. It loomed over me, top-heavy, swinging closer to my face. I think I meant to scream, but the sound got trapped in my throat, and all that came out was a breathless squeak. We will write a custom essay sample on The Host Chapter 23: Confessed or any similar topic only for you Order Now â€Å"Shh, it’s just me,†Jamie whispered. Something bulky and roundish rolled from his shoulders and plopped softly to the floor. When it was gone I could see his true, lithe shadow against the moonlight. I caught a few gasps of air, my hand clutching at my throat. â€Å"Sorry,†he whispered, sitting down on the edge of the mattress. â€Å"I guess that was pretty stupid. I was trying not to wake Doc-I didn’t even think how I would scare you. You okay?†He patted my ankle, which was the part of me closest to him. â€Å"Sure,†I huffed, still breathless. â€Å"Sorry,†he muttered again. â€Å"What are you doing here, Jamie? Shouldn’t you be asleep?†â€Å"That’s why I’m here. Uncle Jeb was snoring like you wouldn’t believe. I couldn’t stand it anymore.†His answer didn’t make sense to me. â€Å"Don’t you usually sleep with Jeb?†Jamie yawned and bent to untie the bulky bedroll he’d dropped to the floor. â€Å"No, I usually sleep with Jared. He doesn’t snore. But you know that.†I did. â€Å"Why don’t you sleep in Jared’s room, then? Are you afraid to sleep alone?†I wouldn’t have blamed him for that. It seemed like I was constantly terrified here. â€Å"Afraid,†he grumbled, offended. â€Å"No. This is Jared’s room. And mine.†â€Å"What?†I gasped. â€Å"Jeb put me in Jared’s room?†I couldn’t believe it. Jared would kill me. No, he would kill Jeb first, and then he would kill me. â€Å"It’s my room, too. And I told Jeb you could have it.†â€Å"Jared will be furious,†I whispered. â€Å"I can do what I want with my room,†Jamie muttered rebelliously, but then he bit his lip. â€Å"We won’t tell him. He doesn’t have to know.†I nodded. â€Å"Good idea.†â€Å"You don’t mind if I sleep in here, do you? Uncle Jeb’s really loud.†â€Å"No, I don’t mind. But Jamie, I don’t think you should.†He frowned, trying to be tough instead of hurt. â€Å"Why not?†â€Å"Because it’s not safe. Sometimes people come looking for me at night.†His eyes went wide. â€Å"They do?†â€Å"Jared always had the gun-they went away.†â€Å"Who?†â€Å"I don’t know-Kyle sometimes. But there are surely others who are still here.†He nodded. â€Å"All the more reason why I should stay. Doc might need help.†â€Å"Jamie -â€Å" â€Å"I’m not a kid, Wanda. I can take care of myself.†Obviously, arguing was only going to make him more stubborn. â€Å"At least take the bed,†I said, surrendering. â€Å"I’ll sleep on the floor. It’s your room.†â€Å"That’s not right. You’re the guest.†I snorted quietly. â€Å"Ha. No, the bed is yours.†â€Å"No way.†He lay down on the mat, folding his arms tightly across his chest. Again, I saw that arguing was the wrong approach to take with Jamie. Well, this one I could rectify as soon as he was asleep. Jamie slept so deeply it was almost a coma. Melanie could carry him anywhere once he was out. â€Å"You can use my pillow,†he told me, patting the one next to the side where he lay. â€Å"You don’t need to scrunch up at the bottom there.†I sighed but crawled to the top of the bed. â€Å"That’s right,†he said approvingly. â€Å"Now, could you throw me Jared’s?†I hesitated, about to reach for the pillow under my head; he jumped up, leaned over me, and snatched the other pillow. I sighed again. We lay in silence for a while, listening to the low whistle of the doctor’s breathing. â€Å"Doc has a nice snore, doesn’t he?†Jamie whispered. â€Å"It won’t keep you up,†I agreed. â€Å"You tired?†â€Å"Yeah.†â€Å"Oh.†I waited for him to say something more, but he was quiet. â€Å"Was there something you wanted?†I asked. He didn’t answer right away, but I could feel him struggling, so I waited. â€Å"If I asked you something, would you tell me the truth?†It was my turn to hesitate. â€Å"I don’t know everything,†I hedged. â€Å"You would know this. When we were walking†¦ me and Jeb†¦ he was telling me some things. Things he thought, but I don’t know if he’s right.†Melanie was suddenly very there in my head. Jamie’s whisper was hard to hear, quieter than my breathing. â€Å"Uncle Jeb thinks that Melanie might still be alive. Inside there with you, I mean.†My Jamie. Melanie sighed. I said nothing to either of them. â€Å"I didn’t know that could happen. Does that happen?†His voice broke, and I could hear that he was fighting tears. He was not a boy to cry, and here I’d grieved him this deeply twice in one day. A pain pierced through the general region of my chest. â€Å"Does it, Wanda?†Tell him. Please tell him that I love him. â€Å"Why won’t you answer me?†Jamie was really crying now but trying to muffle the sound. I crawled off the bed, squeezing into the hard space between the mattress and the mat, and threw my arm over his shaking chest. I leaned my head against his hair and felt his tears, warm on my neck. â€Å"Is Melanie still alive, Wanda? Please?†He was probably a tool. The old man could have sent him just for this; Jeb was smart enough to see how easily Jamie broke through my defenses. It was possible that Jeb was seeking confirmation for his theory, and he wasn’t against using the boy to get it. What would Jeb do when he was certain of the dangerous truth? How would he use the information? I didn’t think he meant me harm, but could I trust my own judgment? Humans were deceitful, treacherous creatures. I couldn’t anticipate their darker agendas when such things were unthinkable to my species. Jamie’s body shook beside me. He’s suffering, Melanie cried. She battered ineffectually at my control. But I couldn’t blame this on Melanie if it turned out to be a huge mistake. I knew who was speaking now. â€Å"She promised she would come back, didn’t she?†I murmured. â€Å"Would Melanie break a promise to you?†Jamie slid his arms around my waist and clung to me for a long time. After a few minutes, he whispered, â€Å"Love you, Mel.†â€Å"She loves you, too. She’s so happy that you’re here and safe.†He was silent long enough for the tears on my skin to dry, leaving a fine, salty dust behind. â€Å"Is everybody like that?†Jamie whispered long after I thought he’d fallen asleep. â€Å"Does everybody stay?†â€Å"No,†I told him sadly. â€Å"No. Melanie is special.†â€Å"She’s strong and brave.†â€Å"Very.†â€Å"Do you think†¦Ã¢â‚¬ He paused to sniff. â€Å"Do you think that maybe Dad is still there, too?†I swallowed, trying to move the lump farther down my throat. It didn’t work. â€Å"No, Jamie. No, I don’t think so. Not like Melanie is.†â€Å"Why?†â€Å"Because he brought the Seekers looking for you. Well, the soul inside him did. Your father wouldn’t have let that happen if he were still there. Your sister never let me see where the cabin was-she didn’t even let me know that you existed for the longest time. She didn’t bring me here until she was sure that I wouldn’t hurt you.†It was too much information. Only as I finished speaking did I realize that the doctor wasn’t snoring anymore. I could hear no noise from his breathing. Stupid. I cursed myself internally. â€Å"Wow,†Jamie said. I whispered into his ear, so close that there was no way the doctor could possibly overhear. â€Å"Yes, she’s very strong.†Jamie strained to hear me, frowning, and then glanced at the opening to the dark hall. He must have realized the same thing I had, because he turned his face to my ear and whispered back softer than before. â€Å"Why would you do that? Not hurt us? Isn’t that what you want?†â€Å"No. I don’t want to hurt you.†â€Å"Why?†â€Å"Your sister and I have†¦ spent a lot of time together. She shared you with me. And†¦ I started to†¦ to love you, too.†â€Å"And Jared, too?†I gritted my teeth for a second, chagrined that he had made the connection so easily. â€Å"Of course I don’t want anything to hurt Jared, either.†â€Å"He hates you,†Jamie told me, plainly grieved by the fact. â€Å"Yes. Everyone does.†I sighed. â€Å"I can’t blame them.†â€Å"Jeb doesn’t. And I don’t.†â€Å"You might, after you think about it more.†â€Å"But you weren’t even here when they took over. You didn’t pick my dad or my mom or Melanie. You were in outer space then, right?†â€Å"Yes, but I am what I am, Jamie. I did what souls do. I’ve had many hosts before Melanie, and nothing’s stopped me from†¦ taking lives. Again and again. It’s how I live.†â€Å"Does Melanie hate you?†I thought for a minute. â€Å"Not as much as she used to.†No. I don’t hate you at all. Not anymore. â€Å"She says she doesn’t hate me at all anymore,†I murmured almost silently. â€Å"How†¦ how is she?†â€Å"She’s happy to be here. She’s so happy to see you. She doesn’t even care that they’re going to kill us.†Jamie stiffened under my arm. â€Å"They can’t! Not if Mel’s still alive!†You’ve upset him, Melanie complained. You didn’t have to say that. It won’t be any easier for him if he’s unprepared. â€Å"They won’t believe that, Jamie,†I whispered. â€Å"They’ll think I’m lying to trick you. They’ll just want to kill me more if you tell them that. Only Seekers lie.†The word made him shudder. â€Å"But you’re not lying. I know it,†he said after a moment. I shrugged. â€Å"I won’t let them kill her.†His voice, though quiet as a breath, was fierce with determination. I was paralyzed at the thought of him becoming more involved with this situation, with me. I thought of the barbarians he lived with. Would his age protect him from them if he tried to protect me? I doubted it. My thoughts scrambled, searching for some way to dissuade him without triggering his stubbornness. Jamie spoke before I could say anything; he was suddenly calm, as if the answer was plain in front of him. â€Å"Jared will think of something. He always does.†â€Å"Jared won’t believe you, either. He’ll be the angriest of them all.†â€Å"Even if he doesn’t believe it, he’ll protect her. Just in case.†â€Å"We’ll see,†I muttered. I’d find the perfect words later-the argument that would not sound like an argument. Jamie was quiet, thinking. Eventually, his breathing got slower, and his mouth fell open. I waited until I was sure he was deeply under, and then I crawled over him and very carefully shifted him from the floor to the bed. He was heavier than before, but I managed. He didn’t wake. I put Jared’s pillow back where it belonged, and then stretched out on the mat. Well, I thought, I just hurled myself out of the frying pan. But I was too tired to care what this would mean tomorrow. Within seconds, I was unconscious. When I woke, the crevices in the ceiling were bright with echoed sunlight, and someone was whistling. The whistling stopped. â€Å"Finally,†Jeb muttered when my eyes fluttered. I rolled onto my side so that I could look at him; as I moved, Jamie’s hand slid from my arm. Sometime in the night he must have reached out to me-well, not to me, to his sister. Jeb was leaning against the natural rock door frame, his arms folded across his chest. â€Å"Morning,†he said. â€Å"Get enough sleep?†I stretched, decided that I felt acceptably rested, and then nodded. â€Å"Oh, don’t give me the silent treatment again,†he complained, scowling. â€Å"Sorry,†I murmured. â€Å"I slept well, thank you.†Jamie stirred at the sound of my voice. â€Å"Wanda?†he asked. I was ridiculously touched that it was my silly nickname that he spoke on the edge of sleep. â€Å"Yes?†Jamie blinked and pulled his tangled hair out of his eyes. â€Å"Oh, hey, Uncle Jeb.†â€Å"My room not good enough for you, kid?†â€Å"You snore real loud,†Jamie said, and then yawned. â€Å"Haven’t I taught you anything?†Jeb asked him. â€Å"Since when do you let a guest and a lady sleep on the floor?†Jamie sat up suddenly, staring around, disoriented. He frowned. â€Å"Don’t upset him,†I told Jeb. â€Å"He insisted on taking the mat. I moved him when he was asleep.†Jamie snorted. â€Å"Mel always used to do that, too.†I widened my eyes slightly at him, trying to convey a warning. Jeb chuckled. I looked up at him, and he had that same pouncing-cat expression he’d had yesterday. The solved-puzzle expression. He walked over and kicked the edge of the mattress. â€Å"You’ve already missed your morning class. Sharon’s bound to be testy about that, so get a move on.†â€Å"Sharon is always testy,†Jamie complained, but he got to his feet quickly. â€Å"On your way, boy.†Jamie looked at me again, then he turned and disappeared into the hall. â€Å"Now,†Jeb said as soon as we were alone. â€Å"I think all this baby-sitting nonsense has gone on long enough. I’m a busy man. Everyone is busy here-too busy to sit around playin’ guard. So today you’re going to have to come along with me while I get my chores done.†I felt my mouth pop open. He stared at me, no smile. â€Å"Don’t look so terrified,†he grumbled. â€Å"You’ll be fine.†He patted his gun. â€Å"My house is no place for babies.†I couldn’t argue with that. I took three quick, deep breaths, trying to steady my nerves. Blood pulsed so loudly in my ears that his voice seemed quiet in comparison when he spoke again. â€Å"C’mon, Wanda. Day’s wasting.†He turned and stomped out of the room. I was frozen for a moment, and then I lurched out after him. He wasn’t bluffing-he was already invisible around the first corner. I raced after him, horrified by the thought that I might run into someone else in this obviously inhabited wing. I caught up to him before he reached the big intersection of the tunnels. He didn’t even look at me as I slowed beside him to match his pace. â€Å"‘Bout time that northeast field was planted. We’ll have to work the soil first. Hope you don’t mind getting your hands dirty. After we’re done, I’ll see that you get a chance to clean yourself up. You need it.†He sniffed pointedly, then laughed. I felt the back of my neck get hot, but I ignored the last part. â€Å"I don’t mind getting my hands dirty,†I murmured. As I recalled, the empty northeastern field was out of the way. Perhaps we would be able to work alone. Once we got to the big plaza cave, we started passing humans. They all stared, infuriated, as usual. I was beginning to recognize most of them: the middle-aged woman with the long salt-and-pepper braid I had seen with the irrigation team yesterday. The short man with the round belly, thinning sandy hair, and ruddy cheeks had been with her. The athletic-looking woman with the caramel brown skin had been the one bent to tie her shoe the first time I’d come out here during the day. Another dark-skinned woman with thick lips and sleepy eyes had been in the kitchen, near the two black-haired children-perhaps she was their mother? Now we passed Maggie; she glowered at Jeb and turned her face away from me. We passed a pale, sick-looking man with white hair whom I was sure I’d never seen before. Then we passed Ian. â€Å"Hey, Jeb,†he said cheerfully. â€Å"Whatcha up to?†â€Å"Turning the soil in the east field,†Jeb grunted. â€Å"Want some help?†â€Å"Ought to make yourself useful,†Jeb muttered. Ian took this as an assent and fell into step behind me. It gave me goose bumps, feeling his eyes on my back. We passed a young man who couldn’t have been many years older than Jamie-his dark hair stood up from his olive-toned forehead like steel wool. â€Å"Hey, Wes,†Ian greeted him. Wes watched in silence as we passed. Ian laughed at his expression. We passed Doc. â€Å"Hey, Doc,†Ian said. â€Å"Ian.†Doc nodded. In his hands was a big wad of dough. His shirt was covered with dark, coarse flour. â€Å"Morning, Jeb. Morning, Wanda.†â€Å"Morning,†Jeb answered. I nodded uneasily. â€Å"See you ’round,†Doc said, hurrying off with his burden. â€Å"Wanda, huh?†Ian asked. â€Å"My idea,†Jeb told him. â€Å"Suits her, I think.†â€Å"Interesting†was all Ian said. We finally made it to the northeastern field, where my hopes were dashed. There were more people here than there had been in the passageways-five women and nine men. They all stopped what they were doing and scowled, naturally. â€Å"Pay ’em no mind,†Jeb murmured to me. Jeb proceeded to follow his own advice; he went to a jumbled pile of tools against the closest wall, shoved his gun through the strap at his waist, and grabbed a pick and two shovels. I felt exposed, having him so far away. Ian was just a step behind me-I could hear him breathing. The others in the room continued to glower, their tools still in their hands. I didn’t miss the fact that the picks and hoes that were breaking the earth could easily be used to break a body. It seemed to me, in reading a few of their expressions, that I wasn’t the only one with that idea. Jeb came back and handed me a shovel. I gripped the smooth, worn wooden handle, feeling its weight. After seeing the bloodlust in the humans’ eyes, it was hard not to think of it as a weapon. I didn’t like the idea. I doubted I could raise it as one, even to block a blow. Jeb gave Ian the pick. The sharp, blackened metal looked deadly in his hands. It took all my willpower not to skip out of range. â€Å"Let’s take the back corner.†At least Jeb took me to the least crowded spot in the long, sunny cave. He had Ian pulverize the hard-baked dirt ahead of us, while I flipped the clods over and he followed behind, crushing the chunks into usable soil with the edge of his shovel. Watching the sweat run down Ian’s fair skin-he’d removed his shirt after a few seconds in the dry scorch of the mirror light-and hearing Jeb’s grunted breaths behind me, I could see that I had the easiest job. I wished I had something more difficult to do, something that would keep me from being distracted by the movements of the other humans. Their every motion had me cringing and flinching. I couldn’t do Ian’s job-I didn’t have the thick arm and back muscles needed to really chew into the hard soil. But I decided to do what I could of Jeb’s, prechopping the clods into smaller bits before I moved on. It helped a little bit-kept my eyes busy and tired me out so that I had to concentrate on making myself work. Ian brought us water now and then. There was a woman-short and fair, I’d seen her in the kitchen yesterday-who seemed to have the job of bringing water to the others, but she ignored us. Ian brought enough for three every time. I found his about-face in regard to me unsettling. Was he really no longer intent on my death? Or just looking for an opportunity? The water always tasted funny here-sulfurous and stale-but now that taste seemed suspicious. I tried to ignore the paranoia as much as possible. I was working hard enough to keep my eyes busy and my mind numb; I didn’t notice when we hit the end of the last row. I stopped only when Ian did. He stretched, pulling the pick overhead with two hands and popping his joints. I shied away from the raised pick, but he didn’t see. I realized that everyone else had stopped, too. I looked at the fresh-turned dirt, even across the entire floor, and realized that the field was complete. â€Å"Good work,†Jeb announced in a loud voice to the group. â€Å"We’ll seed and water tomorrow.†The room was filled with soft chatter and clanks as the tools were piled against the wall once more. Some of the talk was casual; some was still tense because of me. Ian held his hand out for my shovel, and I handed it to him, feeling my already low mood sink right to the floor. I had no doubt that I would be included in Jeb’s â€Å"we.†Tomorrow would be just as hard as today. I looked at Jeb mournfully, and he was smiling in my direction. There was a smugness to his grin that made me believe he knew what I was thinking-not only did he guess my discomfort, but he was enjoying it. He winked at me, my crazy friend. I realized again that this was the best to be expected from human friendship. â€Å"See you tomorrow, Wanda,†Ian called from across the room, and laughed to himself. Everyone stared. How to cite The Host Chapter 23: Confessed, Essay examples
Friday, May 1, 2020
Relevance of Economic Concepts In Healthcare Sector- Free Sample
Question: Describe about the Relevance of Economic Concepts in Healthcare Sector. Answer: Introduction Cost and affordability are the two essential aspects that the health and social care sector of America needs to have a deep understanding of. These aspects are highly important for the proper delivery of health and social care service to the families of America. There are number of economic aspects which are important to be undertaken for research in order to understand the health and social care trends as well as the economic propensity of people towards healthcare services of America. The present analysis is undertaken in order to have a clear understanding of the relevance of economic concepts within the healthcare sector (Andersen et al., 2011). Statistics analysis of the Healthcare sector As per the US Department of Health and Human services the mean Total premium For Employer Sponsored Insurance has increased over the years. The employees have shown clear inclination to indemnify the different kind of employment insurance one can get. The graph analysed from the given site clearly shows that employees have two different options to avail apart from insuring him or her. Over the years right from Y2K it has been seen that there have been gradual increase in employees doing family insurance. Significantly the graph for Employee plus one and single insurance has also increased consistently showing the awareness created among the people to insure themselves through the different health schemes run by the employers for instance the ESI scheme. The amount of money that an employee gets for health coverage has increased significantly not only for one single individual but also for the families as well as in the employee plus one scheme. Last calculated in the year 2013 the me asure value for all the three schemes raised significantly with the family coverage going up to $160.29 and single scheme going up to $5571 which was around $5384 in 2012. It could be said that over the years for the individuals the measure of affordability for health related aspects increased that has added extra liabilities on the US companies to fulfill their promises regarding health (Swan, 2009). The second Graphical representation showed the health care expenses per person with at least one health event in the recent past. It is important to mention that some of the key health events which take place in the country and are prevalent have been included like the Heart disease, normal birth, and back problems. It is important to say that the graph showed fluctuations in every single disease mentioned above. It is important to mention that their measured value has also fluctuated but normal birth problems have been the most crucial one and the next is heart disease. Hence it could be said that normal birth and heart disease are prevalent problems that the US health department should look after. The graph shows that the different prevalent diseases in US have consistently increased and hence the trend in the cost of treating these diseases has also increased. In the graph it is shown that the total measured value of all the prevalent problems like Heart disease, back problems and normal birth problems have increased $4,349, $2,019, $6,442 respectively in the 2012 which has marginally less in the 2011 and this clearly states that the trend in the cost of care treating these problems have increased (Drummond et al., 2015). The third graph shows the concentration in the hospital market. It is important to mention that out of the statistical analysis by the US Department of Health and Human services it is clear that in highly contrite market the hospitals tend to charge more and it has gradually increased with the last calculated measured value being 2821 in 2012. Hence this stands to be another problem for the Health departments. The care system has developed and even the competition in providing delivery of healthcare services. Since the concentration of the hospitals has increased in certain markets hence their healthcare delivery system has also developed and this has added to the cost which has made the affordability of the services users have gone down which is a problem for the health system. One of the key factors in reducing cost of healthcare has been the enforcement of the burden on the business houses to raise their ESI liabilities which will help to provide the employees as well as their fam ilies effective healthcare services (Wang et al., 2011). Delaying treatment for not being able to afford health services is one o the major problems that has been prevalent in the US with the highest being in the 2009-10 financial year. This means that people have clearly not been able to get treatment due to high charges of healthcare services. Even though it has come down in the later years around 2013 but it still needs to be taken care of as the measured value shows 9.1 in 2013. Cost of Healthcare have been continuously increasing over the years in United States which is a huge problem for the country as higher healthcare costs will lead to more and more people denied quality healthcare facilities. The graph has shown a rising trend which affects the healthcare costs of the country as years pass by. In the last calculations it showed around $7826 as the measured value of the healthcare cost in the year 2013 (Zimlichman et al., 2013). In the last few years the US governments healthcare expenditure has shown an upward trend as mentioned above. The burden of healthcare cost has significantly risen which is clearly visible from the graph given in the website. It has increased significantly over the years for which the US government has had to invest huge amount of money so that people can get effective treatment. With the cost of healthcare rising the affordability of people in terms of getting healthcare treatment has also gone up where it had been tried to manage through the ESI policies where employees are inclined to get themselves as well as their families enrolled which has risen the cost of healthcare not only for the government but also for the business houses as it becomes an essential allowance that they have to provide to their employees (Gulliford Morgan, 2013). Conclusion and Recommendations The present analysis is a clear picture of the status of the healthcare sector in USA and the major problems that it faces now is the increase in healthcare costs and problems for the individuals to get treatments due to high healthcare charges and these will have to be mitigated effectively. To control the healthcare costs it is extremely important to focus on the insurance based solutions of healthcare. It is important to come up with suitable reforms to revamp the healthcare system and emphasise on the increase in insurance based solutions which will act to be effective for both the problems for instance it will help to reduce the overall cost of healthcare as well as it will also help people to get effective treatment without any delay (Zimlichman et al., 2013). Health promotion and disease prevention practices will help to reduce the healthcare cost of the country. It is also important to educate services users about the ill-effects of the overuse of the healthcare services and its impact which will help to reduce the healthcare costs significantly. Making changes over the flow of patients so that they do not have to face problems unnecessarily flowing through the health care system. Also for reducing the delay over healthcare services it should be made sure that all the health care services which are supplied to the patients should be synchronized considering the patients demand. Among all the most vital way of reducing the health care delay would be by introducing ancillary services including proper housekeeping and transportation which supplies direct patient care. References Andersen, R. M., Rice, T. H., Kominski, G. F. (2011).Changing the US health care system: Key issues in health services policy and management. John Wiley Sons. Swan, M. (2009). Emerging patient-driven health care models: an examination of health social networks, consumer personalized medicine and quantified self-tracking.International journal of environmental research and public health,6(2), 492-525. Drummond, M. F., Sculpher, M. J., Claxton, K., Stoddart, G. L., Torrance, G. W. (2015).Methods for the economic evaluation of health care programmes. Oxford university press. Wang, Y. C., McPherson, K., Marsh, T., Gortmaker, S. L., Brown, M. (2011). Health and economic burden of the projected obesity trends in the USA and the UK.The Lancet,378(9793), 815-825. Zimlichman, E., Henderson, D., Tamir, O., Franz, C., Song, P., Yamin, C. K., ... Bates, D. W. (2013). Health careassociated infections: a meta-analysis of costs and financial impact on the US health care system.JAMA internal medicine,173(22), 2039-2046. Gulliford, M., Morgan, M. (Eds.). (2013).Access to health care. Routledge.
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Essay on International Trade Performance of Australia Essay Example
Essay on International Trade Performance of Australia Essay Australian Trading Partners This Essay has been prepared to understand the International Trade Performance of Australia. The aim of this essay is making a clear picture of Australia’s contribution in the International market place discussing Australia’s trade policy, Exports and import magnitudes of Australia, the major Trading Partners of Australia in the international trade, their Annual Trade Balance indicating the reasons behind it and future movement of Australia’s international trade. Australias Trade policy aims to create jobs by increasing the sustainable rate of economic growth. Its central task is to secure the best possible conditions and opportunities, especially better market access, for Australian firms and industries trading and investing overseas. The challenges of globalization the increased opportunities overseas and the increased competition from overseas have made our foreign trade and investment efforts central to the well-being of all Australians. Responding to the challenges, Australians are increasingly to be found doing business overseas and in more diverse places and products than ever before [Trade Outcomes and Objectives Statement 1997, p- 1 – on line]. Australian trade policy progressed with some Australian Governments targeted trade policy objectives like as- a. To raise continually Australias international competitiveness, We will write a custom essay sample on Essay on International Trade Performance of Australia specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Essay on International Trade Performance of Australia specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Essay on International Trade Performance of Australia specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer b. To secure better market access for Australian goods, services and investment overseas, c. To develop markets and promote Australian business and exports overseas, d. To promote Australia as a destination for inward foreign investment (including as a destination for regional corporate headquarters), e. To develop markets and promote Australian business and exports overseas. [Trade Outcomes and Objectives Statement 1997, p-17-18] Australia is a stable with their skilled workforce with a strong competitive economy. The economic position of Australia has the most outstanding of the world in recent years. A higher growth, low inflation and lower interest rate economy is more vibrant than before. Australia has the open and innovative economies with a strong rowth over the past decade which has become possible because of lower inflation, interest rates and effective and efficient productivity performance [Australia today – on line]. The Australian Government’s trade policy is pragmatic and flexible which emphasizes on the changing circumstances The Australian Government’s intention is changing their trade policy with the changing needs of Australia. [Trade Outcomes and Objectives Statement 1997, p- 1 – on line] The Australian Government has implemented an integrated trade policy with the goal of creating new and more open market for exports. In maintaining the trade policy the Australian Government maintains three key trade avenues namely- Multilateral trade achieved through the World Trade Organization (WTO); Regional trade achieved through Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) and other regional trade links; and Bilateral trade achieved via free trade agreements and individual country sector negotiations on market access. [Australia’s trade policy – on line] The international economic and trade outlook of Australia’s exports and imports is positive since a long period of time. Analyzing the Exports composition of Australia is required for verifying this truth. The graph 4. 4 of Trade Outcomes and Objectives Statement 1997 represents Australia’s direction of exports and investment from 1975 to 1996. A copy of the graph 4. 4 directly taken from Trade Outcomes and Objectives Statement 1997, p-23 attached in the appendix named as Direction of Australia’s exports available- www. dfat. gov. au. The graph shows the international outlook and the expected continuation of strong growth in East Asia [Trade Outcomes and Objectives Statement 1997, p- 23 – on line]. Export is a potent factor for economic growth of any country and the Government of Australia has taken several steps supporting their exporters. The Government is providing them the support they need through some Government departments namely- Austrade, the Export finance Corporation (EFIC) and its other business initiatives. The Australian exporters are provided support also from the Business program administered by other portfolios within the Government namely- Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources and the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry [Trade 2006, p-23- on line]. The merchandise Exports of Australia for the March quarter 2003 were $27,782m, down $2,993m (9. 7%) from the December quarter 2002, and down $931m (3. 2%) compared with the March quarter 2002. The reason of decreasing in merchandise exports in the quarter was due to the result of a small decrease in average prices received for exports [international Merchandise Trade, Australia, March 2003]. The graph of the above discussion attached in the appendix as graph 1. 1. Since 1994 there has been substantial growth both in the value of Australias total exports 67% rise and in the value of its imports 83% up. Australias exports peaked in 2001 at $154. 8b and have declined in each of the past two years reaching $140. 5b in 2003[International Trade in Goods and Services, Australia, Mar 2004]. The graph attached in the appendix 1. 2. Lets analyses the composition of Australia’s exports of the recent year 2005. The chart indicates a clear view of Australia’s export composition of 2005. In 2005 Australia’s exports was strongest to the Asian markets. The East Asian market performed very strongly with the higher value of goods and services by 25 per cent [Trade 2006,p-16]. The copy of the chart named as Composition of Australia’s exports 2005 directly taken from Trade 2006, p-16 attached in the appendix available www. dfat. gov. au. Australia’s main export market is China where goods and services were rose by 40% in 2005, export to Taiwan was up 32% and to Japan rose by 24%. But Australia’s export in USA fell by 0. 8%. This slight fall did not affect the economy of Australia cause a number of export sector were benefited from the first year due to the implementation of the Free trade Agreement (AUSFTA) between these two countries [Trade 2006, p-17-18]. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics the trend of goods and services credits rose $69m between December 2006 and January 2007 to $17,967m. In seasonally adjusted terms, goods and services credits rose $346m (2%) to $18,119m. Non-rural goods rose $378m (3%) while other goods fell $47m (5%) and rural goods fell $28m (1%). Services credits rose $44m (1%) [International Trade in Goods and Services, Australia, Jan 2007 – on line]. A graph of this statistics attached in appendix as 1. 3. Merchandise Imports for the March quarter 2003 were $31,873m which is down $3,781m (10. 6%) from the December quarter 2002, but up $3,300m (11. 5%) compared with the March quarter 2002. The reason of decreasing in merchandise imports in the quarter was due to decreasing in average prices paid for imports. The Import Price Index fell 1. 9% in the March quarter 2003. The main contributors to the price decreases were computers, telecommunications equipment, electrical machinery and road vehicles [international Merchandise Trade, Australia, Mar 2003]. A graph attached in the appendix as 1. 4. The import trend of 2007 on goods and services rose $105m which is 1% between December 2006 and Jan 2007 to $19,160m. The imports of consumption goods rose $32m 1% to $4,678. The reason of such scenario was importing of consumption goods, non industrial transport equipment goods and household electronics items [International Trade in Goods and Services, Australia, Jan 2007]. A graph attached in the appendix as 1. 5. In International trade Australia has captured vast position in the world market. This section of this essay will discuss the key Markets (trade partners) of Australia for the international trade with their prospects and difficulties in the market place. Australia’s trade market includes China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Korea, Taiwan, Thailand and USA. China is Australias fifth largest trading partner with merchandise exports of almost $3. 8 billion in1995-96. Between 1994-95 and1995-96 Australia’s merchandise exports to China grew by over 27per cent. Over three-quarters of Australian merchandise exports to China are primary products are principally wool, wheat, sugar, barley, cotton, iron ore, alumina and coal [Trade Outcomes and Objectives Statement 1997, p-65 on line]. India is Australias 19th largest trading partner and our 15th largest market for merchandise exports. Exports grew by 21 per cent in 1995-96, (compared with 1994-95), and were valued at $1. 2 billion. Coal is Australias principal export commodity to India, valued at $657 million in 1995-96 and India is Australia’s third largest coal market [Trade Outcomes and Objectives Statement 1997, p-75 on line]. Japan is Australia’s biggest trading partner with merchandise exports of $16. 4 billion in 1995-96 which is 21. 6 per cent of Australias total merchandise exports. The exported products includes coal, beef, iron, LNG aluminum, crude petroleum, animal feeds, and the main products are of wools, sugar and wheat [Trade Outcomes and Objectives Statement 1997, p-91on line]. The United States is Australia’s second-largest trading partner and fourth largest destination for merchandise exports ($4. 6 billion in 1995-96). The USA is the main source of foreign direct investment in Australia on manufacturing. The USA is the also main place for Australian investment especially on finance and insurance sector [Trade Outcomes and Objectives Statement 1997, p-133 -on line]. The main section of this essay is understanding Australia’s trade performance that can be analyzed from Australia’s Annual trade balance performance in terms of import and export from 2001 to 2006 with their trading partners. In the 2006, second quarter June, shows that there was a deficit of $154. 2 m which is an increase of 10. 3% from the preceding quarter of the Australia’s merchandise trade balance. This position is a drop of $41. 3, 21% from the corresponding quarter a year ago. On the other hand, the year ended June 2006 indicates the highest annual trade deficit $ 612 million which is more than double the average annual deficit for the last 4 years ended June [International Merchandise trade 2006, p- 1]. The copy of the graph named as Trade Balance: 2002-2006 directly taken from International Trade Merchandise attached in the appendix, available www. spc. int/prism/country/sb/stats/Economic/Trade/1. During this period imports decreased by $1. 7m which is down 0. % to $382. But the exports rose by $39. 7m which is 21% up to $228. 5m for the same period [International Merchandise trade 2006, p- 1]. Now let’s focus on annual trade balance 2006 of Australia with its major trading partners. Merchandise trade balance by major trading partners continue to record relatively higher deficits with Australia, Singapore, Papua New Guinea and New Zealand whilst China, Japan and South Korea continue to show relatively strong trade surpluses when ranked with other major trading partners [International Merchandise trade 2006, p- 2]. The copy of the graph named as Trade balance of selected trading partners: June Qtr 2006 directly taken from International Trade Merchandise attached in the appendix, available- www. spc. int/prism/country/sb/stats/Economic/Trade/1. The graph shows the deficit with Australia increased by $43. 7m up 49. 3% to $132. 4m [International Merchandise trade 2006, p- 2]. In 2005 Australia’s exports reached the highest record of $176. 7bl. It is contributed by top 20 goods and services including coal, iron ore, natural gas and wine [Trade 2006, p-11]. The Annual trend of 1948 to 2001 from Jackson and Mclver 2005, p-62 represents a clear picture of Australia’s international trade performance in terms of their import and export with the performance of GDP and. In 1948-49 it is notables that Australia’s export was highest with GDP 30. 0 and this figure is highest till 2001. The imports were much higher in the same period with 30. 0 up. But after the following years Australia’s export performance is not as good as it has been discussed in the upper section of this essay. Gradually their export performance has increased from 2003 discussed before. The graph in the next (Jackson Mclver 2005, p- 62) page indicates Australia’s import and export scenario from 1948 to 2001. The import had a higher trend comparing to Australia’s export from 1948 to 2001. After the Annual Trade balance the next section comes the reasons of fluctuating their trend. During the period of 1948 to 2001 Australia’s exports performance was not positive for the nation’s economic growth. The import and export was almost same during that time. For the export the reason could be the technological development and international trade laws. After the 1st and 2nd world war trade policies of different countries have changed with a positive attitude for the international trade. On the other hand with the technological advancement Australian products becoming demanding in the Asian market place that enhancing their export performance. Australia had positive year in 2005 and 2006 still their always there are some barriers and difficulties in the international trade. Each trade partners of Australia causes individual reason as a trade barrier. Like the China imposes high tariffs on some products, quarantine requirements, domestic and export subsidies, industry development plan, state pricing arrangements. That’s why Australia and china have developed a range of bilateral and other policies which will eliminate these issues [Trade Outcomes and Objectives Statement 1997, p-67-on line]. High tariffs are a common barrier for all times fluctuating Australia’s international trade specially exporting goods and services. Some of their trading partners still have retained high tariffs in certain sectors. Australia is running sound trade surpluses with its trading partners in East Asia but Australian exporters still face high tariffs in these market in particular sectors of interest to Australia [Trade Outcomes and Objectives Statement 1997, p-55-on line]. In future Australia is expecting a strong world economy for the exporters. Economic growth is expected to remain strong in many of Australia’s major and emerging trading partners including China, India and USA and a modest growth is expected with Japan and Europe [Trade 2006, p- 19]. Australia has forecasted that electronics commerce is becoming the third force for a more open world economy and hence the Australian Government is working to maximize the benefits of electronic commerce in international forums like APEC and the WTO [Speech from the Australian Trade Minister–on line]. Australia is one of the world’s service oriented economy will dominate the China’s market with Australia’s property and business service, communications, finance and insurance, transport and education. Australia’s largest company’s finding it easier to operate their business in China. The core point is Australia is strongest with their commodities and services where China is weakest. Australia’s exports will go up in the coming decades [China in Australias Future– on line] The Government of Australia helping the exporters with a view to performing excellent performance in the international trade market. International trade law and other issues may hamper Australia’s international trade performance still it is common scenario for all trade partners of the world. The cooperation between trade partners only can resolve the critical issues which may be barriers to the trade. Bibliography Australia today [on line], available: www. dfat. gov. au/trade/ (Accessed 10th April 2007) Australia’s Trade policy [on line], available: www. mla. com. au (Accessed 10th April 2007 China in Australias Future [on line], available : ceda. com. au/public/publications/growth/growth_55. html (Accessed 11th April 2007 International Merchandise Trade, Australia, Mar 2003 [on line], available: www. abs. gov. au (Accessed 11th April 2007) International Trade in Goods and Services, Australia, Mar 2004 [on line], available: www. abs. gov. au (Accessed 11th April 2007) International Merchandise trade 2006 [on line], available: www. spc. int/prism/country/sb/stats/Economic/Trade (Accessed 12th April 2007) Jackson, John and Mclver, Ron 2005, Microeconomics 7th edition, McGraw-Hill, Sydney Speech from the Australian Trade Minister [on line], available: www. dfat. gov. au/media/speeches/trade] (Accessed 15th April 2007) Trade Outcomes and Objectives Statement 1997 [on line], Available: www. dfat. gov. au/trade/ (Accessed 15th April 2007) Trade 2006 [on line], available: www. dfat. gov. au/trade/ (Accessed 15th April, 2007)
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Compare How Both Poems “the Field of Waterloo†and “the Castle†Deal with Vulnerability and Attack of Inhabitants Essays
Compare How Both Poems â€Å"the Field of Waterloo†and â€Å"the Castle†Deal with Vulnerability and Attack of Inhabitants Essays Compare How Both Poems â€Å"the Field of Waterloo†and â€Å"the Castle†Deal with Vulnerability and Attack of Inhabitants Essay Compare How Both Poems â€Å"the Field of Waterloo†and â€Å"the Castle†Deal with Vulnerability and Attack of Inhabitants Essay The poem â€Å"The Field of Waterloo†take us on the journey of how war effects its surrounding nature and murders its miniature creatures and showing us the consequences of its actions where as â€Å"The castle†is an allegorical poem telling us the story of an invasion on a castle with the hidden message of human greed and weaknesses leading to our own downfall. Both poems are very different to each other in many ways however hold a similar theme of vulnerability and attack of inhabitants however they are both treated in very different ways. â€Å"The Field of Waterloo†can represent any battle field but in particular I feel this poem represents the Battle of Waterloo fought in 18th June 1815, a battle fought for blood and honour. The poem reflects on the consequences of war on nature, how man is the main enemy of nature and how it is mankind who is most feared. t is a vivid description of the action that takes place on a battle field yet is written in such a clever way that the impressions create the image of war in the readers head instead of stating the obvious and stating the machinery â€Å"crushed by wheels†or horses being recognised by â€Å"hoofs†, a similar technique is used in the poem â€Å"The castle†however the use of imagery is not used but the message is hidden behind the words and only revealed t o us in the final stanza. The message of human weakness and greed, the message of how trusting the wrong people may lead to our downfall reminding me of the life of celebrities and how they have no privacy due to the constant media attention. How if they let their guard down as did the castle villagers they are exposed, exposed to the attackers wishing to hurt them and they can do nothing, they are in such a vulnerable state they can only sit back and wait to be attacked. Influence of old folk tales can be used in Hardys choice of dialect and old English, use of alternative rhyming and his verses linking together combines the entire poem making each stanza almost like a long sentence adding simplicity, the poem was influenced by the manner of speech at the country side which compares to Muirs use of writing his poem as an almost childlike story, use of simple rhyming adds to the innocence of the poem making it easier to read and understand. Field of waterloo†portrays human ruling and mass destruction a global level, showing the bigger picture, we witness nature flee from the battle ground as â€Å"Swallows abandon the helmet roofs†the killing of nature reflects the killing of the next generation, the killing of the larks eggs, showing the venerability and innocence something so delicate and insignificant to man so it is destroyed during the combat. This represents to me the killing of young men in the war, young people aged 18-24 sent a way to war and stripping them of purity and training them to murder and spread blood. Vaulrability is also shown in the poem by the snails, as the â€Å"draw in†to their shells to protect themselves only to be crushed by man, his death in vain. Creatures that didn’t want to die, that didn’t need to die, at the mercy of a bigger power and being unable to fight it. Hardy writes in present tense, taking us on the journey of every animal, each a line long, showing the shortness of their lives. The portrayal of innocence contrasts to that of â€Å"the castle†as in this poem vulnerability is shown by betrayal, the attacking forces were let into the castle by the gate, the gate which was personified. Human processions and reliability on them in the main theme of this poem and where as â€Å"the field of waterloo†shows physical attack of its inhabitants this poem shows the emotional and mental attack, the true message behind the poem being we cannot fight our inner demons, we have no machinery that can do this for us, we may feel that we are above emotions however they shall always surface and our greed and selfishness will always lead to our destruction. I prefer â€Å"The castle†to â€Å"The field waterloo†as i felt it was easier to read and was more relatable to, I liked its simplistic tone and language and overall its storyline and layout.
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Minor Assignment #2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Minor Assignment #2 - Essay Example (Argumentum ad Misericordiam). Advertisement for American Express Credit Card. Ellen DeGeneres starts dancing as soon as she wakes up. Her moves take her from her bedroom, through a park, into an elevator, down the street and right to the studio where she tapes her show. All kinds of music inspire her groovin-even the bells from an ice-cream truck. "My life is about dancing to my own tune. My card always backs me up." (American Express. â€Å"Ellen†. 2004). Comic strip. First scene shows a woman and a man at a bar. Woman asks, â€Å" A RADIO TALK SHOW HOST? HOW INTERESTING? WHAT’S YOUR NAME AGAIN?†Man replies, â€Å"JOE PILEY†. Second scene shows woman checking on PDA and remarking, OK †¦ LET’S SEE HERE †¦ MM-HMM †¦ SINGLE FATHER RAISING TWO GIRLS †¦Ã¢â‚¬ . Third scene shows woman vanishing. Fourth scene shows man asking the bartender â€Å" EVER THINK OF MAKING THIS A GOOGLE-FREE ZONE?†Bartender replies â€Å" ARE YOU KIDDING? LOOK AT ALL THE TIME AND AGGRAVATION IT JUST SAVED YOU†. (Miller, W., 2006). â€Å"After closely consulting with the United States, the multinational forces, Britain and Australia, I made the decision because I judged that the humanitarian mission has completed a certain achievement in the region," Koizumi, who steps down in September, told a news conference. (Hasegawa, K. 2006). â€Å"The OMB bulletin would require that peer reviewers be ‘independent of the agency’ involved when it comes to "significant regulatory information. ‘Experts receiving funding from the agency involved, who have performed multiple peer reviews for that agency in recent years or just one review on the same topic, would be eliminated as potential reviewers’†. (Philipkoski, K., 2004). Hasegawa, K. (2006). Japan ends milestone Iraq military mission. Retrieved June 20, 2006, from, YAHOO NEWS! Available at:
Monday, February 3, 2020
Saudi Arabia presentation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Saudi Arabia presentation - Essay Example Social identity comes from family loyalty and submission to Islamic law, and Saudis tend to be fatalists, believing that Allah directs destiny. The importance of women in Saudi society is slowly changing as more women pursue professional careers. Women are still seen as â€Å"different†from men, and are kept strictly separate in social activities and left out of most decision-making. Some Saudi men will shake hands with Western women. Saudi women, if they happen to accompany a man, are generally not introduced and are otherwise ignored. Non-Saudi women are expected to dress modestly. Western women may be whipped by the Matawain, who are the â€Å"religious police.†However, they must not adopt the traditional dress of a veil and an abaya (full-length black robes). This is offensive. Saudis stand close to each other when talking, and touching is common during conversation. Men hold hands with men, and women with women, as a sign of friendship. A traditional Saudi greeting is a handshake and a kiss on both cheeks. Saudi culture has several important taboos about gestures. The left hand is considered unclean. Never point at a person. Always keep your feet flat on the ground, as it’s offensive to show the bottom of your foot. Also, the â€Å"thumbs-up†gesture is crude and offensive throughout the Arab world. Foreign travelers may not enter the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia without an invitation, nor may they leave without an exit permit. All visitors become subject to Saudi Islamic law, and those laws must be strictly followed. Many Western accepted business practices are frowned on or considered insulting in Saudi Arabia. For instance, most appointments are made loosely between accepted prayer times, and there are multiple holidays and religious observances that will change business negotiations. Alcohol, pornography, pork and narcotics are all illegal substances, and
Sunday, January 26, 2020
A Business Plan for Just In Time Caring Ltd.
A Business Plan for Just In Time Caring Ltd. CONTENTS Executive Summary Objectives Mission Keys to Success Organization Summary Company Ownership Location and Facilities Services Management Summary Market Analysis Target Market Other Service Providers Contact US EXECUTIVE SUMMARY JUST IN TIME CARING LTD is Health and Safety Consultancy designed to help reduce accidents at work, increase productivity, enhance employee morale and help businesses to retain high quality employees. Proper Risk Management is about practical steps to protect people from real harm, not bureaucratic back covering. JITCL keeping in mind the need of work place health and safety in United Kingdom, will offer professional services to every size of business no matter from a small shop to corporate clients. OBJECTIVES The objectives of JITCL are: †¢Establish healthy and safe systems of work for employees. †¢Increase revenue, by expanding the Target Market to nearby areas in quarter 4 of Year 1. †¢Increase client base, by getting efficient and effective Marketing Strategy. †¢Implement new advertising campaign. †¢To generate sufficient profit to finance future growth and to provide the resources needed to achieve the other objectives of the company and its owner. †¢To grow the business at a rate that is both challenging and manageable, leading the market with innovation and adaptability MISSION The short term objective is to start this company quickly and inexpensively, with a minimum of debt. The long term objective is to grow the company into a stable and profitable entity that the owner can easily and comfortably manage. KEYS TO SUCCESS JITCL’s keys to success and critical factors for the next three years are: Development and implementation of a successful marketing strategy/plan to employers. Recruitment of experienced medical and administrative talent. Commitment to continuously improve the quality of service. Demonstrate a financial return on investment. Commitment from Senior Management ORGANISATION SUMMARY JUST IN TIME CARING LTD is committed to providing customized services to meet the occupational health and safety needs of area businesses and industries in its target market. JITCL is based on the belief that healthy employees are more productive and efficient. For this reason, it provides wellness strategies and programs to businesses. This combines promotion of total healthbody, mind and spiritdesigned to facilitate positive lifestyle changes of a companys work force. COMPANY OWNERSHIP JUST IN TIME CARING LTD was established in February 2014. The company is located in Slough and was established by Mr Mohammad Atiq. Mr Mohammad Atiq is an active director and 100% shareholder in the company. He is entitled Occupational Health Adviser. Mr Atiq holds a degree in Occupational Health and Safety from Cardiff Metropolitan University. Being a graduate and having experience in this field, he has an aptitude to deliver remarkable skills in his diverse field to make a space for himself and his company. LOCATION AND FACILITIES JITCL provides services between 9-5 7 days a week. The office hours are 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday. JITCL will look to offer Health and Safety programs at the employers’ workplace, once the minimum employee participation requirements are met. JITCL’s Head Office is currently located at 150 WELLINGTON STREET, SLOUGH, SL1 1RP. The Company will work from the customers’ workplace, depending on the need of the customer. SERVICES JITCL is convinced that the well-being of client/company is imperative to the health of our community. JITCL understands that accidents, illnesses, and sick days directly affect business efficiency, morale and profit. Maintaining healthy employees translates into a more productive work force. JITCL exists to encourage employees to set personal health improvement goals while reinforcing good principles. We will develop a strategy with each customer so that it best suits the needs of each individual employer. The program will be designed to facilitate positive lifestyle changes in a company’s employees. Our services will include (but are not limited to) the following: Inspection of workplace areas to ensure compliance with health and safety legislation. Preparing health and safety policies and procedure. Assessing the work environment. Managing Risk at the workplace. Managing Major Industrial Accidents. Managing Occupational Accidents. Assessing the workplace safety and reporting to management with recommendation on reducing risk at workplace. Our program will aim to help companies achieve the following goals: Reduce employee healthcare costs. Improve health and safety in the workplace. Increase productivity. Enhance employee morale. Retain high quality employees. Create a positive return on investment. MANAGEMENT SUMMARY The management team will initially consist ofMr. Mohammad Atiq who is a Cardiff Metropolitan MSC Occupational Health and Safety graduate. MARKET ANALYSIS Companies are generally categorized in the following manner: Home Office Businesses – consisting 1-5 employees. Small Businesses – 5-50 employees Medium Businesses – 50 – 500 employees Large Businesses -500+ employees All employers, whatever the size of the business, must have the health and safety policy in place and it’s a continuous cycle that requires further improvements and implementation of new regulations of Health and Safety Law. The below cycle best describes it; Ref: http://www.snh.org.uk/uplandpathmanagement/3.1.shtml TARGET MARKET Currently the target market for JITCL will be the Small Businesses or the Home Office Businesses. The Reason for this being that most such business do not recognize that they have the need for our services yet, or are just starting out and need a service such as ours. After a couple of years and having built a client base, JITCL can then look to approaching Medium and large businesses and tailoring our marketing and sales strategy for this. OTHER SERVICE PROVIDERS Currently, there seems to be only few other companies that are providing the same services within a 10 mile radius. This means that there is ample opportunity to grow as there is lack of competition. The other companies under the Health Safety Consultancy are searched over the internet and listed below; Our Rivals in the business: Health Grace 10 Canada Rd, Slough, Berkshire, SL1 1SE Tel: 07865 988957 New Linc Healthcare Services 335a High St, Slough, Berkshire, SL1 1TX Tel: 01753 535921 Anntara Management Ltd P.O Box 3563, Slough, Berkshire, SL3 3BT Tel: 07831 512528 Aline Associates 28 Fairfield Rd, Burnham, Slough, Berkshire, SL1 8AH Tel: 01628 663722 Prisma Associates Ltd Woodfield Taplow Common Rd, Burnham, Slough, Berkshire, SL1 8LP Tel: 01628 602791 REFERENCE: http://www.yell.com/ucs/UcsSearchAction.do?keywords=health++safety+consultantslocation=SL1+1RPscrambleSeed=89257880searchType=M=bandedclarifyResults=ssm=1autocomplete=kw
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Career Goals Paper Essay
Understanding family behavior and the dynamics of the working relationship would be keys in this field. Also, helping the less fortunate and guiding them through tough times would make a huge impact in today’s society. Plus, making the world better for children, and making sure children are fed and educated would be wonderful. Figure 1. 1 Key factors in my scores (refer to figure 1. ) to multiple pathways of learning include the following that will prove helpful in my studies at University of Phoenix: 1. Bodily Kinesthetic: I scored a 20 on this scale. Being able to use my hands when learning will be most beneficial for me throughout my studies. For instance, writing down key terms and walking around when reading my textbook would be my ideal study situation. Moving fingers under words while reading will assist me in comprehending the material. Also, learning by doing would also be preferable in this type of intelligence. Applying the concepts learned to real life situations would make learning more enjoyable for me. 2. Verbal-Linguistic: Scoring a 19 on this scale references my ability to learn through communication through language (listening, reading, writing, and speaking). Reading text and limiting highlighting would create an active learning environment when studying. Rewriting notes will help me remember what is being learned throughout the course. Also, being able to remember terms easily will help me gain a larger vocabulary of psychological terms. Discussing topics that interest me, such as abnormal psychology, will also play a huge part in my learning the discipline. 3. Intrapersonal: This was the highest scoring intelligence being a 21. Having a quiet place to study and think with no interruptions is a beneficial learning environment for me. This tells me that I prefer to think about issues before discussing them. Being interested in self improvement is a factor in this scale; improving me is my number one goal. 4. Interpersonal: My score for this intelligence was a 19. Knowing when enough is enough, and to step away from the situation is essential. * Attitude: Keeping a positive attitude never hurts anyone. Being confident in my ability to earn this degree will keep me on track. * Staying Motivated: Never lose sight of my main motivators. Knowing that a good career is possible after obtaining my degree keeps me focused. * Prioritizing: Never wait till the last minute to finish a project/assignment. Keeping on track with my assignments is essential for my success. Working on projects a little bit each day reduces stress. Procrastination is the enemy! Going back to school later in life is a huge challenge; however, I feel that the dividends will pay off in the long run. My ultimate goal is to be a lifelong learner. When your brain rests; it rusts. Learning does not have to stop after obtaining a degree; learning goes on throughout your entire life span. Becoming a college professor is my ultimate goal; giving back the gift of knowledge and making an influence is my dream. Actually, this paper taught me a very important lesson: You get out of education what you put into it. Never take a good education for granted and never stop learning.
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