Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Introduction for a new edition of Patti Smiths Just Kids
Introduction for a new edition of Patti Smiths Just Kids From today’s perspective, the ideas promoted by the representatives of ‘flower children’ generation through sixties and seventies, appear rather overly idealistic and naà ¯ve.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Introduction for a new edition of Patti Smiths Just Kids specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Nevertheless, there can be little doubt as to the fact that, while advancing these ideas, the affiliates of hippie and punk movements never ceased acting in an intellectually honest manner. It is not only that they genuinely believed in the beneficence of an idea of humanity’s liberation from religious/capitalist oppression, but they were able to incorporate this idea into the very fabric of their everyday living – they actively practiced their beliefs (Tarr 6). The validity of this suggestion can be illustrated in regards to a new edition of Patti Smith’s memoir Just Kids, in which she provides readers with an insight onto different aspects of her early biography, mainly concerned with author’s pursuance of a romantic relationship with Robert Mapplethorpe. As it appears from Smith’s memoir, ever since her childhood years, she has grown utterly fascinated with the poetry of Arthur Rimbaud: â€Å"I had found solace in Arthur Rimbaud†¦ He possessed an irreverent intelligence that ignited me, and I embraced him as compatriot, kin, and even secret love†(21). In its turn, this defined the qualitative essence of author biography’s consequential phases, because even though that, formally speaking, Smith’s first encounter with Robert Mapplethorpe was essentially accidental, it nevertheless appears to have been dialectically predetermined. After all, in Smith’s eyes, Mapplethorpe was nothing short of a walking embodiment of Rimbaud’s values. In fact, even Mapplethorpe’s very appearance used to remind Smith of her favorite French poet: â€Å"He (Mapplethorpe) wore a huge Baudelairean bow and an armband identical to the one worn by a very defiant Arthur Rimbaud†(35).Advertising Looking for essay on literature languages? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In its turn, this explains why, even after having broken up with Mapplethorpe as her boyfriend, Smith never ceased remaining a very close friend with him. Apparently, their relationship was deeply spiritual, which is why it would not be an exaggeration to suggest that it lasted right up until Mapplethorpe’s death in 1989. Apart from having succeeded in enlightening readers on the nature of her spiritual closeness with Mapplethorpe, reflected by the essence of both individuals’ artistic aspirations, Smith also succeeded in helping younger readers to gain a better understanding of what accounted for the actual realities of her ‘countercultural livin g’ in New York. As it appears from the memoir, there used to be a strongly defined spirit of genuineness to the ‘cultural revolution’, which was taking place at the time. According to Smith, unlike what it is often being the case with today’s artists and musicians, whose activities seem to be motivated by the prospect of a monetary reward alone; at the time of ‘cultural revolution’, the activities of America’s intellectually advanced artists and musicians have been motivated by purely idealistic considerations, on their part: â€Å"We imagined ourselves as the Sons of Liberty with a mission to preserve, protect, and project the revolutionary spirit of rock and roll. We feared that the music which had given us sustenance was in danger of spiritual starvation†(245). Nevertheless, it would be wrong to think that the themes and motifs of Smith’s memoir are being solely concerned with author’s irrational strive to ideal ize just about all the aspects of ‘cultural revolution’, in which she participated rather passionately. For example, even though in Just Kids Smith never stops admiring Mapplethorpe’s photographic art, she nevertheless remains perfectly aware of the fact that it was namely her boyfriend’s addiction to drugs, which served him as a foremost artistic inspiration: â€Å"Robert’s early work was clearly drawn from his experiences with LSD†(98). At the same time, however, there is no even a trace of judgmentalism to how Smith elaborates on her and her friends’ drug-related experiences.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Introduction for a new edition of Patti Smiths Just Kids specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More According to the author, throughout sixties and seventies, the very atmosphere of intellectual liberation, which dominated in New York’s artistic circles of the time , was naturally causing ‘flower children’ to experiment with drugs. Such Smith’s idea is being explored in regards to a number of socially prominent New Yorkers of the era, such as Sam Shepard, Jim Carroll and Allen Ginsberg, which in Just Kids appear to be the individuals who thought of expansion of their intellectual horizons as such that represented their lives’ foremost priority. Therefore, it would not be much of an exaggeration to suggest that Smith’s memoir does not only represent a high literary but also philosophical value (Rogers 47). After all, it is namely intellectually flexible Americans’ endowment with cognitive open-mindedness, which traditionally served as a driving force behind the process of this country remaining on the path of a continuous social, cultural and scientific progress. Given the fact that this idea is being subtly promoted throughout memoir’s entirety, readers’ exposure to the semantic content of Smith’s memoir should prove utterly beneficial. By gaining a better understanding of the essence of young Smith’s experiences, anxieties and aspirations, readers are not only being provided with an opportunity to learn about what used to account for the particulars of author’s ‘countercultural’ living, but they are also being prompted to adopt open-mindedness as an integral part of their own lives. Bibliography Rogers, Jude. â€Å"The Boy Looked at Patti.†New Statesman, 139.4990 (2010): 47-48. Print.Advertising Looking for essay on literature languages? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Smith, Patty. Just Kids. London: Bloomsbury Publishing, 2010. Print. Tarr, Joe. The Words and Music of Patti Smith. Westport, CT: Praeger, 2008. Print.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Is the SAT Hard Expert Analysis of 8 Key Factors
Is the SAT Hard Expert Analysis of 8 Key Factors SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips A test that has so much influence over where you go to college is bound to be a bit scary- but how hard is the SAT, really? Despite its fearsome reputation, the SAT isn't as difficult as it seems. Overcoming the difficulties of the SAT is a matter of spending enough time studying areas that are tough for you and practicing questions that you might find confusing at first glance. Whether or not you find the SAT hard initially, this guide will give you the tools you need to surmount the test's challenges and come out on top. Is the SAT Hard? An Overview The SAT can be intimidating if you don’t know much about it, but it's far from an insurmountable challenge if you prepare properly and understand the format of the test. The SAT covers concepts that are typically taught in the first two years of high school, with a few more advanced concepts sprinkled into the mix.That means if you take the SAT junior year, you probably won’t run into anything that's completely unfamiliar to you. The main difficulty lies in understanding the specific way the SAT asks questions and accepting that it’s much different from most in-class tests. The best way to overcome the challenges on the SAT is by preparing yourself for the types of questions that will be asked and becoming familiar with the way the test is structured. Again, the content of the SAT is almost certainly within your abilities. The keyto acing it is to spend time getting cozy with the questions and fixing whatever mistakes you make on practice tests. In the next couple of sections, I’ll give you a rundown of a few different factors that might make the SAT more or less challenging.I’ll follow up these sections with a final list of tips on how to make the test easier for you. 4 Factors That Might Make the SAT Harder Here are a few factors that make the SAT a difficult test for manystudents. These include time pressure, challenging math concepts, difficult reading passages, and a high-stress environment. Factor 1: Time Pressure The SAT is a timed test, so even if you understand all the content, time pressure can lead to careless mistakes and excessive anxiety.On the SAT Reading section, for example, you'll have 65 minutes to answer 52 questions, which comes out to 75 seconds per question. This is without factoring in the time it will take to read the passages, too. That’s why developing an efficient passage-reading strategy before you sit down to take the test is critical.On the Writing section, you have 35 minutes to answer 44 questions, which comes out to 48 seconds per question.All Writing questions are also passage-based, so you might have to spend some extra time reading in this section as well. You won’t have much time per question on the Math Calculator and No Calculator sections either, and it’s easy to get stuck on problems that stump you. On the Math No Calculator section, you get 25 minutes to answer 20 questions, or 75 seconds per question.On the Calculator section, you get 55 minutes to answer 38 questions, or 87 seconds per question. Because of these time constraints, acritical skill for the SAT is knowing when tomove on if you find yourself struggling with a problem for too long. Factor 2: Unfamiliar Math Concepts Although the content on the SAT is unlikely to go far beyond the scope of what you’ve learned in your high school math classes, there might be some questions that ask about concepts that have since faded from your memory. The test also hassome slightly more advanced concepts, including basic trigonometry.If you feel shaky on any of the topics tested on SAT Math, you’ll need to revisit them before you’re ready to answer questions in a high-pressure testing environment. Factor 3: Challenging Reading Passages Passages on the SAT are all excerpts from real published texts (and at least one historical source text), so they’re written at a fairly high level. You'll sometimes encounter language that’s a bit old-fashioned and hard to understand. If you’re not a big reader, these passages might take a bit more effort to comprehend.You’ll need to spend time practicing your passage-reading strategy before jumping into the test. Factor 4: High Stress Levels Finally, a major reason that the SAT is so hard for many students is that they get themselves super worked up about it.It’s not hard to see why this happens: colleges do rely heavily on standardized test scores to judge potential applicants, so it sometimes seems like your whole future is riding on this one test.If you obsess too much over how critical it is to do well, you could end up with crippling test anxiety, leading to the opposite outcome. Learning how to cope with the stress associated with the SAT might be the most important thing you can do to make the whole process more manageable. Testing anxiety is serious. Maybe not as serious as my concerns about why this child is trapped in what appears to be some sort of burlap sack, but still. 4 Factors That Might Make the SAT Easier There are also some aspects of the SAT that can make it seem like an easy test compared to some of the exams you’ve taken in your classes.Here are a few of the most prominent factors. Factor 1: Predictable Structure and Types of Questions The sections on the SAT are alwaysarranged in the same order, which is as follows: Reading Writing and Language Math No Calculator Math Calculator Essay (Optional) This means that you never have to worry about being thrown for a loop on test day regarding the fundamental format of the exam. You can also predict the types of questions you’ll encounter and how they’ll be worded if you go through enough practice materials.The College Board writes questions in very specific ways that don’t change significantly from test to test. Factor 2: No Memorization You don’t need to memorize a bunch of content to do well on the SAT.The Math section gives you most of the formulas you’ll need to answer the questions. Moreover, questions in the Reading and Writing sections are based on reading comprehension and knowledge of basic grammar.So while it’s certainly possible to study for the SAT, it’s not the same kind of studying you’d do for other tests. Factor 3: Almost All Multiple Choice The SAT is much less labor intensive than a lot of tests you take in high school because it doesn’t include any free-response questions in the main portion of the test.Everything is multiple choice except for the grid-in questions on the math sections, of which there are only 13 in total (five on the No Calculator section and eight on the Calculator section). You might choose to take the SAT with the Essay, but that’s optional. It’s also based on a passage provided by the test and not on your recall of outside information. For the most part, all the answers to the questions are right there on the test if you know where to look. Factor 4: No Guessing Penalty There are no points deducted for incorrect answers on the SAT,so you don’t have to worry about filling in an answer you aren’t 100% sure about.If you truly can’t decide between two choices or are totally stumped, just fill in a random bubble. Even if you get it wrong, it'll be no different than if you'd left the question blank, so it’s in your best interest to give it a shot. So many points! Want to learn more about the SAT but tired of reading blog articles? Then you'll love our free, SAT prep livestreams. Designed and led by PrepScholar SAT experts, these live video events are a great resource for students and parents looking to learn more about the SAT and SAT prep. Click on the button below to register for one of our livestreams today! How to Make the SAT Easier for You: 4 Tips Now that I’ve covered some of the fixed qualities of the SAT that might make it harder or easier, I’ll give you some tips on how to tailor your approach to the test to make its challenges more manageable for you. #1: Take Plenty of Practice Tests This is the #1 thing you must do if you want the SAT to be a breeze for you.The main reason students end up confused and overwhelmed by the SAT is that they go into the test blind.When the questions are formatted in a way that’s unexpected and unfamiliar, it throws them for a loop (especially with the time pressure)- and they think the test is impossibly hard. If you take official SAT practice tests, you’ll start to see that the content is well within your abilities.You just have to get used to reading efficiently, pacing yourself, and staying calm in the face of questions that initially confuse you. #2: Learn to De-stress Taking standardized tests is much easier if you avoid putting an enormous amount of pressure on yourself throughout the process.When you’re so preoccupied with visions of the supposedly catastrophic consequences of failure, every question you skip will make you more anxious and less clear-headed. Learning not to sabotage yourself in this way will make the test much easier.I’d suggest reading up on mindfulness techniquesthat you can use during the exam to bring yourself back down to earth if you get anxious. #3: Use the Process of Elimination Rather than viewing at all the answers for a question as possible options, take a look at them with an extremely critical eye.Try to find reasons to cross out answers that don’t make sense or that aren’t supported by concrete evidence in the passage.This is a big help, especially in the Reading section where it can be difficult to sort out the answers that are almost correct from the one answer that is completely correct. #4: Examine and Correct Your Mistakes You won’t be able to fix all your problems just by taking a bunch of practice tests without further analysis. After each test, go over what you missed and figure out how you can avoid similar mistakes in the future.Try to also find other practice questions that test the same skills as the questions you missed so you can learn how to solve them correctly. With each practice test, you should master more and more of the material until you reach a point at which none of the questions on the exam can stump you. Don't get stumped. I know this is my second terrible image pun in one article, and I gotta say, I'm not sorry at all. Bottom Line: Is the SAT Hard? Will It Be Hard for You? Everyone has a different baseline level of comfort with the format and content of the SAT. In the end, though, the difficulty level of the test depends on how prepared you are for it.Be sure to take plenty of practice tests, address your mistakes meticulously, and learn strategies that can help you decrease your stress levels if test-taking anxiety is an issue for you. If you do all these things, there's no stopping you from earning an awesome SAT score! What's Next? Thinking about getting a review book to guide your SAT prep? Read our reviews for the best SAT prep books released this year. Should you start studying for the SAT now? Or is it OK to wait a little while? Learn more with our guide on how long you should study for the SATbased on your score goals. Choosing the ideal test date for getting your feet wet on the SAT isn't always easy. Read this article for advice on deciding when to take the SAT for the first time. Disappointed with your scores? Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points?We've written a guide about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Critically discuss the role of an HRD manager in promoting Essay
Critically discuss the role of an HRD manager in promoting organizational competitiveness within a slowly recovering economy - Essay Example or a change and development among the organisational structure is mostly identified when the job performances of employees are not meeting the standards of the organisation. To be more precise, when the performances of the two groups working under same conditions do not produce the same outcomes, then the HRD manager has to step in the role for enhancing the employees’ performance. Career management and development, socialization and orientation, coaching and performance management are among the few factors that the HRD manager’s roles are surrounded with. It is therefore, necessary to identify the appropriate time to assist the management for developing organisational competitiveness. Thus, the objective of the paper is to identify the different roles played by the HRD manager, both necessary and unnecessary, which at times play a vital part upon organisational performance. HR professionals must build up vast competencies which will benefit them for functioning of their tasks to deal with the changes in the organisations. They should ensure that flexibility and effective communication must be a part of their role which will allow them to adapt to situations quickly. Thus, the roles of HR managers are based on few factors which are discussed below. According to Maanen & Schein (1979), procedure of socialisation engages the transmission of information as well as values which are essentially cultural matters. Furthermore, they added that an organisational culture consists of rules and values that are different within various organisations. The culture of the organisation is mostly dependent on few factors such as, how members relate to colleagues, subordinates, superiors and outsiders, which are conveyed to the new employees by the HR managers. The HR should communicate to the newly employed behavioural environment that prevails within the organisation. Additionally, orientation of employees is the basic facet cited by the HR manager, before any simplest role
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Urbanization of Human Population Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Urbanization of Human Population - Essay Example Human beings exceed in capacity than any other community of animals. The behavior of human beings is now compared to those of insects. The speed in growth of human population is not appreciated because it is becoming detrimental. Before the year 1850, there was no community that was urbanized until the year 1900 when Great Britain was recognized as an urbanized community. Currently all industrial countries are urbanized, and they have a rapid population growth (Davis, 5). The world as a whole is not fully urbanized, but it will be in recent years. Even the most urbanized countries show some signs of rural origins, and this is a sign of rapid urbanization. The entire impacts of man’s organic and social revolution can only be guessed. Urbanization is the total population living in urban cities. It is incorrect to assume urbanization to be the growth of cities. The movie industrial revolution shows that cities can grow without urbanization as long as rural population grows at a greater rate (Palmer). The movie also shows people have a misconception of the term urbanization because growth of cities and urbanization has occurred together. It is therefore, important to differentiate the two terms. For instance, the most advanced countries are experiencing growth in urban population yet their population is diminishing. The process of urbanization that involves concentration of human beings in cities has a beginning, and an end but the development of cities has no end. The major difference between a rural village and an urban c ommunity is their system of operation, which changes from one nation to another. The movie power and the people describe the major problem as not identifying the floor of urbanization, but it is identifying the boundaries that define an urban area. The people living within a certain political boundary (John, 15) determined the population of a city. The urban population in advanced countries has been spilling over political boundaries. The outward spread of the population made based on political boundaries does not offer a precise estimate of the city population since it exaggerates rural population. It is a major concern that many years between the emergences of small cities with that of urbanized city. It is also curious that places where urbanization originated are not the places that gave rise to major cities of the past. On the contrary, these places are known to have had low urbanization growth. Northern areas of Europe were very rural in the medieval period that it was difficu lt to understand urbanization. The nonurban nature of towns erased the parasitic culture of towns that eventually provided a basis for revolution. The adverse conditions that were a predicament for the age to come were low production in medieval agriculture in the acre and man term. The other reason was the feudal social system. The first reason implied that towns could not develop on local agriculture alone, and they needed to trade and manufacture items for trading. The second reason meant that they could not gain political dominance over their neighborhood. Therefore, it was rational for them to specialize in commerce and manufacture items for trading. Artisans were given houses in towns because they manufactured commodities and controlled prices of products. There was competition between towns that resulted in specialization
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Life Is What You Make It Essay Example for Free
Life Is What You Make It Essay Playâ€Å" LIFE â€Å" A marvellous journey, a joyous song; smells of roses but also pricking thorns. A fairy tale or an interesting story long; yes this is life, take it, as it comes along. For a moment one is on success hunches; next day may be in disaster trenches. Reaping today the crops of joy, tomorrow the land may be barren and dry. Surrounded now by madding crowd; big gang of people but don’t feel proud. Later he may be a mourning loner; with none to love in the life fair. Endowed with success, do not go too high; flip of coin and good luck may defy. Also face the challenges with a smile; as even the darkest clouds will pass by. Life is continuity,no buttons to pause; a school but unknown is level of class. It cons you with the problems; but hidden in it are all the keys and solution. No absolutes or formulae for it are known; change is what every day shown. Stocked with loads of energy piecemeal; that fills it with enthusiasm and zeal. It has a few painful separations; but also some strengthening bonds of relation. It has myriad colours and emotions; sorrow and joy in equal sessions. SO†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Share, care and love your dears; no point in clinging on to your fears. For trifling grudges it is too short; do not let the failures you to thwart. Never hurt others, choices might distract; just sincerely follow your heart. Even amidst the agony never fret; do the best with what you get. Do not lose hope, keep learning new skill; march forward, life is a total thrill. Live without inhibition; as life is about surprises and wonderment. Instead of logic trust your intuition; have daily goals be it health or relation. Commit mistakes, you have every right; face it courageously with all the might. Do not envy but live uncluttered; fall in love anytime u want with whatever. First learn to enjoy and use the present; life will be then much more pleasant. So just a small adage to say; life is nothing but a stage play. Live every moment as it unfolds; each day is a new chapter to be told. Inevitable, lively and unpredictable; this trek of life is really adventurous. Nothing ventured, nothing gained is what they say; so go ahead and have your share of play†¦
Thursday, November 14, 2019
pm case study Essay examples -- essays research papers
                         Sharp Printing Case Study                     Problem Definition:      The major problem with Sharp Printing’s laser printer project is its senior management’s lack of communication to its project manager on its priorities. The project manager’s estimate for the cost of the project is $1,250,000 over senior managements estimate. This is a huge discrepancy and the cost and time estimates done by the project manager seem to be fairly reasonable. Justification for the problem:      It seems to be clear that senior management has an estimate that is probably unrealistic when compared to the project managers estimate that is $1,250,000 over the senior manager’s estimate. Based the large discrepancies of cost and time, there seems to be a communication breakdown between top management and the project manager on the priorities of the project. Alternative Courses of Action:      As one alternative they could change the scope of the project in order to keep the costs down. Another alternative could be to outsource the technology design. The company could employ the priority matrix in order to get top management to clarify their priorit...
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Legalization of Medical Marijuana
Many people go around and live their lives, seeing many of their acquaintances daily. What they may not know, Is what they do in their free time. So many people go home, out, anywhere they want, and they smoke pot. Having many other names, Its proper name Is Marijuana which Is made by the Cannabis plant. To the eyes of many, smoking pot Is dangerous and Immoral. To the users, It could be the opposite. It Is Illegal today, which Is a topic discussed among a wide variety of people today In the US, and even the world.Many people believe that it should be legalized for a wide variety of purposes. Those who are opposed, feel it's too dangerous to be put on the market. The legalization of marijuana is discussed about in all parts of the country, and could help in treating diseases and helping patients, but could also lead to more teen use, and even deaths. Today, there are more than a dozen states, which have legalized marijuana, many for medicinal purposes. Although it may not cure diseas es, it helps many patients to avoid, suppress, and alleviate the pain.There are many sissies In particular that it helps to alleviate. Glaucoma Is just one disease that the effects, untreated, can lead to pain, discomfort, and blindness. In general, Glaucoma is a condition that causes pressure within the eyeball. Glaucoma is when damage occurs to the optic nerve, and leads to a series of eye conditions. There are several types, but the four major ones are; open-angle (chronic) glaucoma, angle-closure (acute) glaucoma, congenital glaucoma, and secondary glaucoma. Glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness.Once marijuana is smoked, it may alleviate the reassure. Other medications can be prescribed, but these prescription drugs have a tendency to lose their effectiveness (Grids 1). Multiple Sclerosis is another ailment, that the effects are very crippling. Multiple Sclerosis, or MS, is an autoimmune disease that affects the brain and spinal cord. Multiple Sclerosis has a long li st of symptoms that may cause pain, and/or make the patient feel uncomfortable to be In their own body (Sieve 1). Talk show host, Monnet Williams, talks about his first hand experience with Multiple Sclerosis.Williams had said, â€Å"When the neurologist said hose words – â€Å"You have MS†It hit me Like a brick. I thought the diagnosis was a death sentence (http://mm. Mantels. Org/Mantels. PH). †In his case, Monnet had episodes of excruciating pain, even prior to his diagnosis. He had been prescribed concoction, and opium, which had him suffering through painful and uncomfortable side effects. And now for many years, Monnet Williams has been using medical marijuana, inhibiting the pain caused by his disease. He has launched a public campaign, searching for a cure for MS, and the legalization of medical marijuana.Williams makes a excellent point, when he says he feels it should definitely be legalized, but strict enough, so that people who actually need it, ha ve access to it. Marijuana has allowed Monnet Williams to become a contributing member of society, and live his life again (The Dry. Oz show). But the list doesn't end there. Marijuana Is also used to treat Alchemist's, Cancer, HIVE/AIDS, ALLS, and epilepsy (James 1). Studies have also shown that the Inhalation of marijuana has also decreased that chance of lung cancer, due to certain chemicals In side of the drug, stopping the growth of plaque.Many people are against it, because of the fact that it is a smoked drug, their own arsenal of prescription drugs in their homes. Medicine cabinets are filled with a bunch of prescription, or over the counter drugs, which are more addictive, more accessible, more harmful, and have more side effects, than marijuana. There is also lots of talk about the economic benefits of the legalization of marijuana. There are hundreds of economists that support the idea (Nonfat 1). It may not end the economic crisis, but it may help us take one step closer to becoming a prosperous nation once again. Once it's legalized, it could be taxed.Once it's taxed, it could bring in millions, or even billions of dollars, to the federal government. According to Jeffery A. Minor, if Marijuana was taxed like most other consumer goods, the tax revenue would be at least $2. 4 billion annually. However, if it fell under the Sin Tax or Tobacco Tax (taxing products such as tobacco or alcohol) annual revenue may generate up to $6. 2 billion. It will also create thousands of Jobs in agriculture, packaging, marketing, and advertising (Minor 1). Look at California for instance. Since marijuana was glazed in 1996, it has accumulated a total of $14 billion, from annual revenue.This also ties into federal expenses, on containing the drug, and enforcing the law. Many users feel that this is a prohibition, not having legal access to the drug. So they must find other ways to obtain the drug. Some people go to such far ends, Just have one puff. A study was conduc ted, and in 2010, there were approximately 1,638,846 drug related arrests. About 853,869, a little more than half were arrested, because of marijuana (Borden 1). But if you go even further, you will notice that in only 100,000 asses, approximately, there was actually any use of marijuana.The other 750,000 were charged on the means that it was in their possession. This shows two things. One, that it's not as addictive as it's perceived to be. Two, all those resources that are put towards the law enforcers, could be put towards crimes that are more serious. It would allow state police and officers to concentrate on crimes such as drunk driving, school shootings, stalking, burglaries, robberies, child abuse, etc (Stammer 1). So in total, the legalization of marijuana can help treating patients with serious disease, eve economic benefits, and decrease government spending.Which is not so bad, but people are more worried about negative effects on the communities. Although there are many p ositive effects of the legalization of marijuana, there are some negative effects that people are worried about. First and foremost, many parents and adults are worried about the effects on the community, especially the youth. Many teens nowadays have been starting very young with different types of stuff from a wide variety of; cigarettes, chewing tobaccos, alcohol, and marijuana. There are many seasons why students fall under the influence.People could Just feel stressed and anxious, and feel like marijuana is the cure to all of their problems. Others feel like they need to smoke in order to be cool, and so many fall under the peer pressure. According to surveys, the amount of marijuana use has decreased between the late asses and 2007. Now, the amount has started to increase, since 2006, the use among sophomores and seniors have started to increase. In a survey conducted National Institute on Drug Abuse, 7. 2 percent of 8th graders, 17. 6 percent of 10th graders, and 22. Percent of 12th grader have smoked marijuana months prior to the survey (NADIA 1).There are many who also fear that it is a gateway drug. The younger kids start out smoking marijuana, then start going up the ladder to other tobaccos, cocaine, and but they sure leave a whole lot of side effects. There are short term side effects, and long term side effects. The short term side effects vary from impaired senses, cramps, hallucinations, paranoia, diarrhea, and an increased appetite (causing weight gain). Long term effects include loss of brain cells, energy loss, apathy, cardiovascular robbers, addiction, and pregnancy defects.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
How to Establish Relationships with Adults
How to establish relationships with adults Establishing relationships with adults use the same basic skills, wither it is a friend or colleague. The main difference establishing a friendship with an adult and a colleague is how much formality and professionalization is used. Professional Colleagues. * Formal vocabulary – You speak in a professional manner, using correct pronunciation and clearly. * Know colleagues title – Use their correct titles e. g. Mr, Mrs, Professor, Doctor etc. * Keep personal issues away – Do not bring into work your home issues, or let them distract you from work. Trust, Reliability and Initiative – When working closely with someone, you have to be able to trust that person to be able to carry out instructions correctly, know they will be in and on time, for work and know that they can handle situations on their own or have some input towards a common goal. Also not having to be told all the time what needs to be done next etc. * A pproachable, Helpful and Assertive – Always be friendly and helpful, this way your colleague feels they can come up to you and ask for help etc. without feeling they are putting on you, as you are both working as a team. You must also be assertive, this does not mean attitude, lack of respect or rude but putting your opinion across on ideas or views. * No Attitude or Undermining – In a professional setting you DO NOT give a colleague any attitude or undermine him or her. This not only makes you look unprofessional but also lets everybody else know that there are issues and affects their work. If there are issues, you can ask the colleague for a quiet chat privately and put your opinions across politely and respectably. Body language & Humour – Your body language speaks volumes to other colleagues before you have said a word, so keep yourself happy, smiles, confident and available. If your body language is good, you will be more approachable, accepted and liked. Humour is a good thing but you must always make sure it is acceptable for the situation and is not personal towards colleagues. * Confidential – A colleague must be able to tell you things of importance regarding work or a person and know that you will keep it confidential, without fear of it leaving the setting in which it applies. Dress code – How you dress reflects a lot on you, make sure you are dressed appropriately for the setting, with no miniskirts or very low cut tops etc. You should always be clean and presentable to be able to carry out your tasks in a professional manner. These are especially important guidelines to follow when working within a classroom setting with a teacher every day; you will build a lasting relationship built on mutual respect and trust. In addition, the pupils will see you both work as a team and friendly, which will better their experience in the classroom and their education. How to deal with disagreements Between you and other adults: If you do have a disagreement, it needs to be approached with respect and sensitivity to each other’s feelings as quickly as possible to prevent any further deterioration of the situation. * Making sure a disagreement has occurred – I would ask to have a private conversation with the other adult to check I have not just misunderstood what they have said or asked. * Communication & Respect – Make sure you listen to others opinions and views, without interjecting or talking over; this will only escalate the situation. Also, expect the same respect back. Discuss the issues calmly and fairly. See if any agreement can come from conversation or common ground. * Mediation – If the disagreement cannot be resolved between ourselves, a third party can try to mediate between us. Who is not involved in the initial disagreement and is neutral. * Apologises – Always be ready to say sorry, if needed and be genuine. Also, accept any apologies given. Do not hold grudges or carry it on after it has been resolved. Between you and children or young people: You should never be drawn into a disagreement with a child or young person, if the child or young person is trying to do this, you will have to manage the situation in a number of ways: * Find out what the problem is – Depending on age, lower yourself to their eye level and either repeat or request an instruction, ask them if they understood. If they reply yes, ask what is the problem? * Tone of voice – Keep your tone of voice calm and clear but firm. * Defiant child / young person – DO NOT get annoyed, ask another member of staff to help with situation, give the child a time out ( depending on age, will deter the time out given e. . corner or classroom or out of classroom etc. ) * Distraction – You can sometimes distract the child from what is annoying them to help stop the disagreement. * Show example – Show the child/ young person what you expect by either a demonstration from yourself or another pupil in the class, this will show them you are re asonable in your request etc. * Be genuine – A child or young person will know if you are not and will continue to try to draw you into disagreements. Aggression – If a child is being aggressive, it will depends on the depth of the aggression e. g. strength, anger or even special needs will determine how it is dealt with. Mild aggression can be handled with talking and listening to the pupil, taking the child away to calm down and from what is causing them to get aggressive. Stronger aggression will need extra staff to help and can either restrain the child, then remove or in some cases remove the rest of the pupils from the class until the pupil has calmed down. Personality clash – Sometimes it can be just down to personality clash that you may have a pupil that draws you into disagreements, If this is the case, you must try not to show this towards the pupil but they will towards you. You must remain professional at all times. If you are helping the pupil on a one to one, maybe ask to be moved to another child as the pupils education will suffer if they are more interested in having disagreements with you. NEVER tell the pupil this is why you are being moved and do not make them feel bad for the clash, it happens. Apologies – NEVER be afraid to say sorry to a pupil if you are wrong and say it meaningfully, the pupil will know if you are being honest. All of the above are ways to deal with a disagreement with a child or young person; any disagreement has to be dealt with accordingly with their age and extent of disagreement. Never feel you have to deal with it all by yourself, if extra help is wanted, ask for it as it may calm the situation down a lot quicker and easier.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Business Management Effective Decisions
Business Management Effective Decisions Characteristics of poor decisions Decisions are the driving force of an organization, the quality of decisions made leaders determine the effectiveness and success of an organization. The quality of decisions differentiates effective and ineffective leaders; effective decisions are characterized by timeliness, quality, acceptability and the responsiveness of to the prevailing situation in an organization. When decisions made in an organization are poor, the following are the main characteristics:Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Business Management: Effective Decisions specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Reduced production and high rate of inefficiencies: poor decisions leads to low productivity within an organization, the decisions are not responsive to the demands of the market and the cost of production is relatively high than the normal rate. De-motivated staff/personals: when managers make poor decisions th ey hardly involve their subordinates in the decision, the staffs when they learn of the new approach to business are not willing to undertake the duties and responsibilities given thus they become de-motivated and their morale of working reduces. Unsatisfied customers: poor decision means that the customers fail to get the right quality and quantity of the products they buy from the company, when this happens there are chances that they become unsatisfied and probably move to competitor products (Mallor, Barnes, Bowers Langvardt, 2010). Three ways of Resisting Requests to Act Unethically In all professions acting ethically is advocated for, however there are chances that some one finds him or herself in a situation likely to compromise his or her integrity; in some instances there are some actions that professionals should take to uphold and keep their integrity despite the challenges, they include: Have high self Integrity and moral standings: this happens at an individual level w here someone is advised to understand he or she has a duty to act ethically regardless of the situation he or she is going through. When people respect their moral standings, then chances that they will be corrupt and entertain unethical behaviour is minimal. Understand the ethical frameworks: when in an organization, or in once career, it is always good for one to have an understanding of the ethical attributes that one is required to uphold. When someone understands the attributes, then they should act within that framework.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Act professionally: regardless of once profession, when someone is acting professionally, chances that he is going to go against ethical standards as required is low, thus if people where to uphold high levels of professionalism, then ethical behaviour can be maintained fully. Three ways you can choose to Lead Ethically To act ethically someone needs to take some deliberate moves and decisions; the following are the best approaches to acting ethically: Understanding the ethical standards of the particular profession: when someone understands the boundaries and requirements of a certain profession, then he will be able to act ethically within the frameworks of the profession Uphold self virtues: people who have good virtues and who observe them are more likely not to be corrupt with unethical behaviours; with the notion and understanding, people should work towards having high self values that they respect and uphold to. Update ones skills and knowledge on ethical behaviour: as the world integrates and develops, there is focus on certain areas in the community; the developments may lead to ethical issues if someone is not well informed. Leaders need to be well informed of the changes occurring in the world to assist them lead ethically (Cornelius, Todres, Janjuha-Jivraj, Woods Wa llace, 2008). References Cornelius, N., Todres, M., Janjuha-Jivraj, S., Woods, A. and Wallace, J. (2008). Corporate Social Responsibility and the Social Enterprise. Journal of Business Ethics, 81(2), 355-370. Mallor, J.P., Barnes, A.J., Bowers, T., Langvardt, A.W. (2010). Business Law: The ethical, global,and ecommerce environment. New York : Irwin/McGraw Hill.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Business Management: Effective Decisions specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Descriptive Essay on Nature
Descriptive Essay on Nature Descriptive Essay on Nature Nature surrounds us wherever we are and go. Even in the concrete jungle of New York City a red flower, a green tree will break the harshness of dirty grey concrete, glass and neon. In the sunset in Miami, nature gives a breathtaking display of beauty every evening painting the sky with glorious colors. Standing on the edge of the Grand Canyon on sees a breathtaking view of natures handicraft as it gouges out a canyon so big it is breathtaking. Each scenario is completely different yet each has its own splendor, no matter if it is a sunset, a desert, mountain, prairie, lake or ocean. Man has appreciated nature and still does. He is both challenged and pacified by it. Not only is nature beautiful, it is every changing through different seasons, or timelessly unchanged in it fixed elements such as its great mountain ranges. It has a wild beauty to it. There is a valley in central Africa that when you are there it seems as if you went back in time. This is the Zambezi river valley that starts in the wetlands of the Okavango swamps. The valley is 1500 miles of wilderness, totally unspoiled by mans encroachment. You see only the wildness of nature. The river flows proudly through the valley. It is a surging force as it goes thru rocky rapids, or wide and tranquil where it finds space. On its banks are mud flats and reeds, where crocodiles lie in the sun, and further away dense trees and forests of Mopani trees, interspersed with huge grey prehistoric baobab trees with branches that look like roots. In the day, the sun is a burning yellow fire, and everything wilts und er it. Even the wild life finds shade and lies down. As the evening comes the setting sun paints the sky with streaks of pink and orange, and the animals emerge. They come individually or in groups. In the water large hippopotamus frolic, not intimidated by the presence of crocodiles. Nervous buck come dancing to the river. Large tan colored kudu, as tall as a horse, with their white flashes and meter long spiral horns, smaller dark brown impala with short spiked horns, tiny brown duiker. They carefully approach; stopping to be sure, no predators are near. They dip their heads gracefully to drink. Some suddenly will jump and struggle as a crocodile grabs it and drags it under the water. Elephants come and splash around squirting water over themselves with their long trunks, or rolling in the mud, which is to them a treat. Lions eventually arrive in a pride, causing the buck to move nervously away. The dusk gives way to the sudden blackness of the night sky studded with silver stars and a huge silver moon. Soon the animals were gone; the river flows on into the night. Not far away there was a noise like thunder that sounded constantly. In the early morning, flowing the river alive and sparkling in the sun, crocodiles basking in the warmth, animals drinking while it was still cool, the river broadened and flowed in channels around green islands. Then it fell down a 100-meter chasm as a magnificent waterfall, 1708 meters wide. As the river fell down the chasm the sound was as thunder, and water spray rose high in the sky, white like the smoke of a bush fire. The bush is like a tropical forest as the spray rains down on it continually, and it is untouched by man. From here, it flows into a great lake and thence to the Indian Ocean. It is a place, and a moment in time, where one feels time warped to the beginning of time, where everything is still as it always was. Tips on writing a good descriptive essay about nature: This essay form is personal. It describes your personal experience and view. The goal is to create a vivid picture in the reader’s imagination. Brainstorm by using your power of observation and make notes. Carefully choose descriptive words that bring out a vivid picture of what you describe. Ensure you apply all your senses. The reader must be brought into the picture in his imagination. If you use words such as hot, cold, warm, dark, light, sunshine, fragrant, and the like. Describe, where you can, your emotions and feelings. Most of the readers will identify and connect with emotion. Do not lose your focus and make sure you organize your paper correctly. At service you can get a quality custom descriptive essay from professional writers. All you need is to contact our website!
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Strategic Marketing (SBU Competition) Research Paper
Strategic Marketing (SBU Competition) - Research Paper Example Among all the mentioned competitors of Star Hub SingNet is the largest internet service provider in Singapore with 372,000 broadband users and 71,000 dial up customers (about SingTel, 2013). As SingNet is the biggest internet provider company followed secondly by Star Hub and at third place stand M1 Net Ltd. The total broad band subscribers of Star Hub are 329,000. The broad band user of the third largest company M1 Broad band is over 10,000 . ... The stock price also increased compared to the price of last day Revenue for the companies (as according to available financial reports) 2012: 18,825 Million 2011: 18,071 Million 2010: 16, 871 Million 2012: 2,422 Million 2011: 2,312 Million 2010: 2, 238 Million 2012: 1,076,812 2011: 1,064,896 2010: 979.2 Million Customer base 557,000 are the total broad band internet users for the company 442,300 are the total subscribers of the broad band internet service provided by the company 173,900 are the total broad band internet subscribers for M1 Strengths Many of the strengths that are associated with the company includes: The first ever company to launch its broad band services in Singapore First broad band service provider to introduce supplementary surfing Being the pioneer and the largest company to hold the stake, trust of people in the service provided Star Hub being the second market leaders holds certain strengths as well including: Fastest growing broad band internet service provi der Provides the highest speed for surfing including the fastest speed internet for downloading and uploading in Singapore Provides unlimited surfing packages to make family time fun M1 as is the third largest leading broad band possess the following strengths: Introducer of the latest technology Pioneer in providing the fastest downloading speed where even needed with even in peak hours Connectivity choices are customized and available according to the need and requirement of the customers Faster and an easier way to access the international high bandwidth sites Competitive Advantage Pricing Bundles that are offered by SingNet is their competitive advantage and the factors which helps them gaining the highest market
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