Thursday, October 31, 2019
The Death Penalty Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
The Death Penalty - Essay Example It is just mirroring the kind of offense that it seeks to condemn. A penalty that will serve as a deterrent to crime must be one which effectively or to a great extent stops the individual from entertaining or doing an illegal act. It is one which completely changes the mind of the person -- a shift of personal belief happens. In America, crime rates are comparatively high due to the following factors: harsh sentencing laws and racial turmoil (Liptak, 2008). The harsh sentencing law connotes that if one is convicted of a certain offense in US, the offender could not in any way escape the minimum sentence as it is made mandatory. This goes to say that if one commits a crime, he or she will surely experience being incarcerated thereby adding to the number of offenders. Racial turmoil is seen as one of the reasons for the high crime rate as it has been observed that the American police authorities are more aggressive in arresting black offenders than the white ones (Anonymous, n.d.). Am erica is not alone in its enforcement of the death penalty despite the international pressure of abolishing it. China, Pakistan, Iraq and Sudan are some of the countries which also favor capital punishment (Anonymous, n.d.). Other countries are not implementing this type of penalty due to religious and humanitarian causes.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Liberalization of International Currency Mobility Essay
Liberalization of International Currency Mobility - Essay Example These factors include; the removal of credit limitations, privatization of majority of banks previously owned by governments and lower interest rates for borrowers (Quiggin, 2005). The banking sector has also experienced reduced or total withdrawal of entry barriers, liberalization of the security market and capital account. This free-flow of currency across borders has been facilitated by worldwide free-trade, occasioned by globalization. The privatization of capital flows has also seen a surge of capital movement within and across borders. Private organizations have been in a rush to provide financial assistance to people in need of money for business, investment, or otherwise. When the liberalization of capital movement was starting off, it seemed like a most lucrative idea that would see the soaring of economies in different countries. However, over the years, different financial crises have made a lot of people have a different opinion regarding free capital mobility. This essay is going to discuss the positives and negatives of capital flows in the international arena in regard to economic augmentation. In the field of free capital flow, it is hard to distinguish a certain factor as being advantageous and another as a limitation. All aspects have a positive and a negative side. Accordingly, the essay will focus at a factor at a time and weigh its benefits against its cons. Since the 1980’s neo-liberalists have been very strong proponents of liberalized currency mobility in the international field. Proponents of the neoliberal theory are of the opinion that only free markets can help achieve international economic growth. According to Grabel &Chang (2004) neoliberal theorists place prime importance on the function of markets in enhancing easy movement of currency and goods. Advocates of the neoliberal theory also hold that privatization of state-owned organizations is of prime importance to free capital mobility. Neoliberal ideas have proved to be v iable to some extent, based on the results of the past twenty years. Globalization in the 1970s brought about transformations in the international financial system in terms of increased capital mobility and international trade. The advent of globalization made most countries to relax limitations to free flow of capital in the international field. Globalization means the opening up of borders to both goods and capital flows for the purpose of foreign investment. Private Banks Among the achievements of neoliberal ideas is the promotion of the private sector in both developing and developed countries. Private capital flows has over the years come to overtake public mobility of capital. Public movement of currency consists of governments exchanging capital, either through direct lending or through multilateral corporations such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank (Grabel & Chang, 2004). Rise in loaning institutions, foreign investment and portfolio capital mobility h ave all led to the promotion of private currency mobility. National banks cannot accommodate the high demands of local and overseas investors. Accordingly, many foreign classified banks have sprung up in order to facilitate borrowing and loaning of capital, especially to domestic investors (Frank, 1990). Considering that most governments do not have adequate lending power, these alien private banks source for finances in international lenders.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Introduction to Field Effect Transistor
Introduction to Field Effect Transistor To sir Mateen Yaqoob Group Members Maira Naseer Aqsa Mahmood The University of Lahore Sargodha, Pakistan Introduction to Field Effect Transistor Transistor: The word transistor is the short form of transforming resistor. Transistor is the special kind of resistor. Resistor whose value changes, based on the input signal, and the resistor changes is transformative. DEFINITION OF FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTOR: The field effect transistor is a transistor which control the shape by using field effect transistor Field effect transistor (FET): In 1926 julius Edgar Lilienfeld was first patented the field-effect transistor and by Oskar Heil in 1934. But transistor effect was explained and oberserved by the team of william shockley at Bell labs in 1947 after it practical semiconductor were developed. The field effect transistor and the PN junction: The behavior of the field effect transistor hinges on the behaviour of a PN junction that is reverse biased. semiconductoris a material that is not a good conductor and not a good insulator but that when heat, light or voltage is added it conduct more electricity. which has two type ‘P type ‘and ‘N type’. P type and N type material: From type p material that has abundance of positive carriers, we called them holes to the type N material that has abundance of negative carriers, we called them electrons. By the way it’s not that the P material is positively charged and N material is negatively charged ,they both are electricallyneutral. The difference is that the p material has free to move positive carriers and N material free to move negative carriers. PN Junction: Formally we put P type and N type together and we form one we called PN junction. The PN junction was found to very interesting electric properties. It allowed to current to flow from p to n and when blocked current they try to move backward. Forward biased p-n junction: Now look at how p-n junction works when we try to pass current forward trade from p to n. We apply voltage source across a p-n junction such that p-side is positive and n-side is negative ,then this voltage source tries to get current into the p material which effectively means that it pulling out electrons out of the left of p material and by doing that its creating new holes of the left side of the material which increasing the density of holes on the left side of the p material. That source at the same time is pulling current from the right of the n material which is equivalent to saying it to feeding new electrons into the right of the n material which increasing the density of free electrons on the right side of the n material. Observe there is high density holes on the left of the p material and there is high density of electrons on the right of the n material. Is that the gradient of density will move holes towards the right and electrons to the left and they will joining in the center and recombine and disappear. The motion of the holes is facilitated by electric field created by external source. This is the way the p-n junction operates when it forward biased and this process is continuous forever. Reverse biased p-n junction: Now look at how p-n junction works when we try to pass current reverse biased from n to p. We apply voltage source across a p-n junction such that the negative terminal is connected at the p side and positive terminal is connected at the n-side ,then this voltage source tries to take current out of the p material which effectively means that it tries to feed electrons on the left of the p material, if we do that those electron are recombine with some of holes on the left of the p material and the density of holes will decreasing on the left side of the p material and holes disappears. That source at the same time is feed current into the n material and take electrons out of the n material which decreases the density of electrons on left side of the n material. Is that the difference of density in holes and electrons will gap the holes and electrons move away from the junction to even over the density of carries in p-n material when they do that is an uncovering some of the fixed charges near junction creating a region that is depleted of free charges so there is no carrier s in this zone and this is a region that is stationary charges, negative on the p side and positive on the n side and these stationary charges stop the flow of current. Basic information of FET’s : Field effect transistor is the majority-charge-carrier devices, in which the current is carried mostly by majority carriers, or minority-charge-carrier devices. The field effect device consists of an active channel through which charge carriers flow from the source to the drain. Source and drain terminal conductors are connected to the semiconductor. The FETs three terminals are Source (S): Source S is the terminal through which the carriers enter the channel. usually, current entering the channel at S is identify by IS. Drain (D): Drain D is the terminal through which the carriers leave the channel. usually, current entering the channel at D is identify by ID and drain to source voltage is named as VDS Gate (G): Gate G is the terminal which set the channel conductivity.when voltage is apply on gate G it control the ID. Type of FET’S: Junction field effect transistor (JFET’S): P type material and n type material is good conductor by it’s possible to place two terminals on say the n material and get electrons to flow through a one end terminal to the other just like a wire and this is the basic junction field effect transistor. Electron flow through the n type region of p-n device from one terminal to the other and the name of this n region is the channel. The channel input is called the source and the channel output is called the drain. AND electrons flow from source to drain. The p type region of this device is called a gate. When there is no voltage applied to the gate electrons are completely free to flow to the channel so the source drain resistance is pretty much is zero ohms. When the JFETs is in this state we say it’s saturated, the channel electrons density is maximum. However, when you reverse biased a gate an interesting thing happens. Reverse biased in the p-n junction causes a depletion region to appear just did in a diode and part of p and n material is convert back to being in insulator but now that depletion region causes the physical with the n channel to become narrow so less electron flow through the channel which rises resistance of the channel . As we increase the negative voltage at the gate, the n channel become even more narrow and channel resistance rises further. If we increase voltage even further at some point the depletion will completely blocked the n channel, no current can flow across a channel and channel resistance is virtually infinite. At this point we say that the fact is cut off .Many also say that it is pinched off and the gate voltage pinched off the channel called the pinched off the voltage is around -4 volts. So this is how fact works, the reverse biased voltage of the gate causes channel resistance between source and drain to increase and it goes to infinite resistance at the pinched off voltage. It’s possible to have channel made of p material instead of n material and we have a gate made of n material instead of p material. This is called a p channel JFET and it works exactly as the same way n channel JFET does accept the polarity are reversed .Electrons still flow from source to drain but this time the gate is reversed biased with positive voltage control in the channel resistance. Difference between BJT and FET. BIPOLAR JUNCTION TRANSISTOR: The full form of BJT is Bipolar Junction Transistor. The BJT is a current-controlled device since its output is determined on the input current. The basic construction of a BJT is two PN junctions producing three terminals. Bipolar junction transistor is high voltage gain. Bipolar junction transistor is Low input impedance. Bipolar junction transistor is low output impedance. Bipolar junction transistor is low input impedance. Bipolar junction transistor is medium nose generation. Bipolar junction transistor have medium switching time. Bipolar junction transistor requires zero input to turn off. Bipolar junction transistor is cheap. Bipolar junction transistor is easy to bias. FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTOR: The full form of FET is Field Effect Transistor. Field effect transistor is a voltage-controlled device, due to its dependence on the field effect of the applied voltage. The field effect transistor construction does not have a PN junction in its main current carrying. Field effect transistor Is low voltage gain. Field effect transistor is high current gain. Field effect transistor is high input impedance. Field effect transistor is high output impedance. Field effect transistor is low noise generation. Field effect transistor has fast switching time. Field effect transistor requires some input to turn off. Field effect transistor is more expensive than BIPOLAR. Field effect transistor is difficult to bias. Advantages of FET: 1: Field effect transistor is high input resistance which is 100 MÃŽ © or more. 2:Field effect transistor is voltage-controlled device, and it show a high degree of separation between input and output. 3:Field effect transistor is depend on majority current flow and it is a unipolar device. 2: With shaping time base current will increase noise, and field effect transistor produce less noise as compare to bipolar junction and it is found in noise sensitive electronics. Disadvantages of FET: 1: field effect transistor has low gain-bandwidth product as compared to a bipolar junction transistor. 2:. When reisitance is â€Å"on†field effect transistor is low and when resistance is â€Å"off†field effect transistor is high and field effect transistor can vanish large amount of power during switching. Uses of FET: 1:.MOSFET is the most commonly used in field effect transistor 2: Field effect transistor used as an amplifier ,because it has large input resistance and low output resistance. FETS effective as a buffer. Page 1 of 9
Friday, October 25, 2019
Canterbury Tales - Comparison of the Millers Tale and the Knights Tal
A Comparison of the Miller's Tale and the Knight's Tale      It is common when considering The Canterbury Tales to discuss how some tales seem designed to emphasise the themes of others. Two such tales are the Miller's Tale2 and the Knight's Tale3. At first glance these two tales seem an incongruous pairing. The Knight's Tale is told by an eminent person, is an historical romance which barely escapes a tragic ending, and its themes are universal: the relationship of individuals to providence, fortune and free will. The Miller's Tale is told by a drunken "cherl" (MT 3182), is a farcical fabliau, and has "a plot, not themes"4. And yet, in my opinion, there is much to be gained by reading the Miller's Tale with the themes and characters of the Knight's Tale firmly in mind. The juxtaposition of the Miller's Tale to "the Knight's Tale makes its very lack of significance significant"5. These two tales have seemingly opposite doctrines, and yet, it seems to me, both have the same object: to encourage us to survive the misfortunes and uncertainties of life as best we can. The Knight's Tale tells us to "maken vertu of necessitee"(KT 3042) while the Miller's Tale expects "every wight" to "laughen at this stryf"(MT 3849). The Miller's Tale is designed to "quite" (MT 3127) the Knight's Tale. It certainly matches it in quality of composition, but 'repays' the other tale mainly through its use of comedy. Humour throws new light on the characters and actions of the preceeding tale. The folly of the carpenter in the Miller's Tale is by no means the only comic device used by Chaucer to create humour, but it is central in many ways. "He is, in theory, the 'authority figure' of the tale, and it therefore opens with him; ... ...e Chaucer: Third Edition (Oxford: OUP, 1987), The Miller's Tale. All line references to the Miller's Tale will be given in text, preceded by the initials "MT". 3. Larry Benson, The Riverside Chaucer: Third Edition (Oxford: OUP, 1987), The Knight's Tale. All line references to the Knight's Tale will be given in text, preceded by the initials "KT". 4. Helen Cooper, Oxford Guides to Chaucer: The Canterbury Tales (Oxford: OUP, 1989), p. 101. 5. Cooper, p. 101. 6. Cooper, p. 99. 7. Robert Miller, "The Miller's Tale as a Complaint," Chaucer Review, 5 (1970), p. 147-160. This from p. 150. 8. Derek Pearsall, "The Canterbury Tales II: Comedy," In Piero Boitani and Jill Mann (eds), The Cambridge Chaucer Companion (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986), p. 125-142. This from, p. 131. 9. Cooper, 99. 10. Pearsall, p. 129.  Â
Thursday, October 24, 2019
A day with the president
You may choose a fictional or real person. You may choose someone you know personally or a figure in history. You may choose a modern day celebrity. You may not choose a close friend or your parents. Place: You may choose a fictional or real place. It can be someplace that you have visited or would like to visit. You may not choose Langley High School, the beach, a vacation home, or your own bedroom. Thing: You may not choose a piece of Jewelry, an electronic device, or a car.Idea: You ay not choose the idea of success or the idea of love or hate. Event: You may not choose your graduation day or your wedding day. You may not choose the day of your birth. Introduction: Hook: The introduction must begin with a quotation that is important to you. You must give credit to the speaker (As my grandfather always says, Transition or Background Sentence: Your background or transition sentences must connect the hook to the thesis. There should be 4-5 of them.Thesis statement: This is the claim entence for your entire essay. It must include the three body paragraph topics in the order that you intend to present them. Body Paragraphs: You will choose three of the topics which you have gathered information about. You will write one paragraph about each topic. The first body paragraph will be significantly weaker than the third body paragraph. Conclusion: Your conclusion will be one of the topics that you did not cover in the body or it can be on the future you envision for yourself.Specifics: Prewriting due date: Peer review draft due date: Final draft due date: Paragraph length: Introduction: 8-10 sentences Body One: 8-10 sentences Body Two: 10-12 sentences Body Three: 12-15 sentences Conclusion: 8-10 sentences This is an informal essay. You may use contractions and personal pronouns. Please do not refer to yourself as â€Å"we†however. Please fill out this space with words you look up from a thesaurus to broaden your use of â€Å"influence†or â€Å"change. †This will be due on the same day as your prewriting.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
R&G are dead outline
Guilelessness says but is also witty at the same time, but even admits to Guild as being the more â€Å"dominant†of the two. Has more fun than Gull does, as he gets more excited when he sees the Tragedians. Guilelessness: A very inquisitive man who believes he can seek the answer to any question he has. He Is a good friend of Hamlet and initiates things based off how he feels. He Is the leader of the two, but he would be incomplete without Ross_ Even when he is crying, Ross is the only one that's there to comfort him. The two of them are like Batman & Robin, with Guild as being Batman. Are: The leader of the Tragedians who seems to have a dysfunctional brain. He Is wise, knowing that you can't question life at every turn, but saying that life is just like a play is an analogy I can't seem to see. He starts yapping away at Alfred for no apparent reason, and killed someone during a play Just for the heck of it. Something's up with this guy†¦ Hamlet: Is only shown as dysfun ctional and crazy throughout the book. In all of his speaking parts, he is mad and always on the verge of losing it. Always needs attention but Is also smart for saving his whole life.Alfred: the puppy dog who doesn't have a say in things. He just follows orders and lets the cast dress him up however they want. He sort of defies the stereotypical actor, since he admits to not even enjoy acting. Typically when you think of actors, they enjoy their work, but Alfred deviates and doesn't. THEMES/SYMBOLISM completely pointless. None of the events are even doing anything to the entire plot, which sort of means that everything contributes to the work as a whole because Stoppard whole point is that life is sort of meaningless. The Boat: To Ross, it represents death.The Journey is so long that it feels like life is just a drag that goes on for eternity. It's also symbolic of losing your sight-not your actual vision- but your sight as in your goal or future. When nothing surrounds you but wat er, it's easy to lose touch with yourself and you can lose control of yourself quite easily. Coin Tossing: In everyday life, tossing a coin really doesn't mean much. Stoppard flips this entire idea around by making it a big deal in the book. It's almost as if Stoppard switched the roles of the important and non-important things in life and decided to IEEE things through the opposite lens.The coin tossing in this play means much more than Just getting lucky. It's actually the exact opposite. Its getting really really really unlucky, and the fact that it landed heads so many times shows how nothing is really chance-it's fate. It's so weird to think about because in the big picture, getting heads over 100 times in a row seems impossible. But wait-if you think again, it actually is possible. It Just so happens that the chances of it happening are so small that us humans tend to neglect that small chance of occurring because let's face it- hat's never going to happen to one of us.Stoppar d almost defies the law by addressing this . 0000001% chance and tells his audience that, essentially, everything means nothing and nothing means everything. Predestination: The whole concept of not having control of your own life is a controversial topic that Stoppard analyses in the play. He-Lillo! Stoppard puts it in the dang title for crying out loud! R know that they're going to die, so why don't they do something about it? The mental battle that R are in is that they really don't have anything to live for. Even if they go back, what are they even going back to?I think what Stoppard is trying to say is that some of the most absurd things in life (such as walking straight into your death sentence), may not be as absurd as it sounds. When you really look at it from a different perspective, what is it that you're living for? I think R never really fought over their fate not because they couldn't, but because they didn't want to. Stoppard takes a walk on the wild side by telling hi s audience that life sometimes can be ludicrous, but it's up to you to decide what exactly in your life is worth living for.
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